Chapter 25: Cassandra

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The guards on either side of me clenched my arms tightly, their grip never faltering.

"It's a shame your so called Alpha is fucking insane!" I growled thrashing around in an attempt to shake their grips.

"It seems a waste of wolves. Wait, never mind, the fact that you've followed him so blindly for as long as you have means that you'll deserve everything you've got coming to you." The guard on my left sunk his nails into my skin, a whimper of pain leaving my lips in the process.

"Shut it, mutt." He growled, turning his angry eyes towards me. I quieted down as my mind began to race desperate for any type of plan to escape. As we walked further through the woods we came upon a clearing where Greyson and the Gisele stood. Gisele was adorned in the typical witch attire black dress, black robe, black flats. Her deep skin glistened in the moonlight, had she not been so damn evil I would have called her gorgeous.

Greyson wore a cocky smirk as he watched me being yanked around by his guards.

"Hello, mate." He purred, licking his lips. Disgust twisted in my gut at the way his eyes attempted to undress me. Shivering under his gaze I switched my attention to Gisele, she stood tall and confident. She looked incredibly intimidating, but I was not going to back down now.

"Patience, Greyson. She will be yours soon." Gisele smirked her red lips pulling back to reveal her impossibly white teeth. Panic surged through my veins as I began struggling more in the guards hold, I yanked my arms and did the best I could to injure the guards in any way I could. Pulling me to a stop the guards kept their steel grip on my arms, their nails sinking into my flesh as blood began to trickle down my arms.

My skin prickled in the damp air, my lungs constricting as panic inched its way up my throat. Taking in a deep breath I tried to calm myself, by thinking of my mates and how much I just wanted to be back in their arms, now was not the time to be freaking out.

"Tie her to the tree." Gisele ordered pointing her perfectly manicured nail towards the large oak tree in front of the fire pit. The guards dragged me as I kicked around, my legs hitting theirs, they stumbled for a second before regaining their composure. One guard shoved me against the tree trunk, the bark eating into my skin. The other pulled ropes from the ground and began to wrap them around me.

"It's such a lovely night to be doing this." Greyson exclaimed, throwing his hands up.

"To finally be joined with my destined mate...the moon goddess has me in her favor." My stomach swirled as I watched Gisele begin to pour water along with other ingredients into her cauldron. I shouldn't be surprised she has one, she is a witch after all.

"The elder council will make you pay!" I growled thrashing around. Greyson let out a deep laugh.

"Darling, they know I'm doing this. Apparently they've had their eye on you for a while now, they think it would be best if you mated with me instead of those filthy twins." He sneered. I remained silent, things just were not adding up. The elder council was keeping an eye on me, but for what? Sure I was one of the very few alpha females, but that didn't mean that I was the only one.

"Cassandra, How do you feel knowing that you are going to be mated with me, My dear?" Greyson strode up to me, a twisted smile etched onto his face.

"Disgusted!" I growled out struggling against the ropes, I was far too weak to be able to break them.

"You won't be for long. Those stupid Alpha's marked you, your mind is just clouded. We will be fixing that real soon." Greyson smirked turning his back to me and walking over to Gisele where they spoke in hushed voices.

"This may kill her." Gisele whispered with a pained expression on her face, I let my mind relax and pushed into her mind undetected. 'I do not want to hurt her...this will kill her. But...he promised not to hurt Serenity...I hope...' I kept my expression neutral despite the shock I was experiencing. Gisele is Serenity's mother.

"We won't know until we try. Shape up, I did not hire you just for you to chicken out last minute." Greyson growled lowly ripping her arm harshly. Gisele let out a hiss of pain as she yanked her arm out of his grasp.

"No, you hired me to steal her, not get her killed with your ridiculous fantasy world. This potion is to break a bond between mates. The mortality rate is around ninety percent, and she has two mates? I am SURE that she will die." Gisele ground out her eyes flicking to me for a second.

"I could just turn you over to the witches counsel, I am sure they would love to hear what you have been up to." Greyson whispered, Gisele's eyes going wide in the process. With a pained expression Gisele went back to making the potion, a potion that would kill me.

I have to do something, and quickly. I think back to the last time I saw the moon goddess, she told me I had hidden powers. But how could I access them if I am so weak? Taking in a deep breath I concentrate, trying to pull forth those hidden powers. Focusing I feel a light begin to surge forth, my skin begins to heat almost hitting a boiling point. Like last time I feel my eyes beginning to burn as the change to completely white. I writhe against the tree as my body begins to shake and change. My bones snap and replace themselves, my snout begins to grow out as pain teas through my head and skin.

"Holy shi-" One of the guards next to me begins.

"This is even more magnificent than I thought!" Greyson cheered. My vision blurred as my body continued to change. Suddenly everything around me goes silent. Looking around I lock eyes with Greyson, terror is present in his eyes while his lips wear an overjoyed grin.

"You're a Lycan, the master of all wolves." He marvels at taking a step towards me. I growl, taking a step back. Looking down at my body I see that I am standing upright, my arms and legs elongated with long black claws. My skin is still my deep brown, but is covered in light fur.

"Cassandra!" My name is called, my instincts telling me that it was Josiah.

Lunging forward I grab Greyson by his neck, my claws sinking into his neck.

"You are done. Your pack will be disbanded and separated amongst other packs, anyone who has assisted you with any of this will be prosecuted. You are never going to hurt anyone ever again." I growl out twisting his neck at my final words. I drop his body letting it slump to the floor. Letting go of the light my body shifts back to normal and I collapse onto the ground.

"Baby, talk to me." Josiah pleads as he comes to my side.

"Love, can you hear us?" Jeremiah asks his warm hands to move to my face wiping my hair out of the way.

"I-I'm..." I start but stop quickly losing strength. Things begin to go black as I grip their hands loosely before losing complete consciousness. 

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