Chapter 13: Cassandra

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Josiah and I stood at the center of the village waiting for Jeremiah's return. It had been a few days since we last spoke and my wolf was getting antsy.

"He will be here soon." Josiah confirmed his arm wrapped around my waist rubbing soothing circles into my exposed skin. These past couple of days has allowed us to become closer. Josiah had opened up to me allowing me to get to know him. Although I had not told him or Jeremiah about...the incident yet, I'll tell them soon. I did not want to dive into my past yet, I needed to prepare myself first. Whether they reject me or accept me I need to be prepared.

"Can't they hurry up." Lily paced, she had been missing her mate the entire time he was gone, as have I with Jeremiah. Our little phone session did not keep me as satisfied as I thought it would. I was still craving his touch and I'm sure my arousal wafted off of me in waves. Gamma Aoife stood on the opposite side of Josiah with his arms crossed, he was nice. I had gotten to know him a bit, he was a relatively silent person so conversations haven't been too eventful. I did learn a few things about him though. I learned that the twins father and mother took him in before their father killed their mother. Ever since he's been close with the twins and loves working alongside them.

Suddenly black vans began pulling into the pack, the leading van being Jeremiah's. The vans come to a stop, wolves filing out with scared expressions looking around in fear at their new surroundings. Jeremiah's door opened, and a small female stepped out. My heart dropped into my stomach. What was she doing in his van? Who is she? Did he pick her as his mate instead of me?

Jeremiah stepped out behind her, his eyes instantly zeroing in on me. The panic washed away as fast as it had come, my feet moving on their own. Leaping into his arms I wrap my legs around his waist burying my head into the crook of his neck. Jeremiah's chest rumbled in laughter as his arms wrapped around me squeezing me.

"I missed you so much." I mumbled letting the sparks I missed so much to litter my skin. He pressed a kiss to my forehead, his stubble scratching against my skin.

"Love, I have someone I need you to meet." He announced making me pull my head back.

"This is Serenity, she is going to be our oracle." He said, looking to the small girl that stood back from us. Sliding out of his arms I walked over to the girl, she's so pretty her frame is small with curvy hips, her eyes silver as any other oracles would be. Smiling, I hold out my hand.

"I'm Cassandra, but you can call me Cassie." She took my hand, a smile pulling onto her face, instead of shaking my hand she pulled me into a hug. I stood confused for the moment before quickly returning the gesture.

"It is lovely to meet you Luna. There's something special about you..." She smiled as she stepped back. A low growl caught our attention, my head whipping to see Aoife stalking off into the pack house.

"Mate..." Serenity whispered.

"Wait what?" I was baffled.

Josiah, Jeremiah, Serenity, and I sat in Josiah's office, the air thick with tension.

"Aoife is your mate?" Josiah questioned once again not believing his ears, Serenity shook her head yes for the millionth time.

"That's impossible. Oracles do not get mates." He shook his head in confusion.

"Actually," I started. "Some oracles are blessed by the moon goddess with a mate, but for the other it is a second chance mate. Some special cases are where Oracles meet their mates and it being as any other mating. Back home Savannah and I often talked about her getting a mate even though she denied it with every fiber of her being." I explained from my seat on Jeremiah's lap.

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