Chapter 26: Josiah

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"Grab her!" I growl out pointing towards the witch. Her eyes widen as she scrambles to get off the ground. Bryan and Aofie quickly detain her, grabbing her by her arms and holding her in place. Stalking over to her I feel my wolf growl pushing towards the surface trying to take over.

"What are you going to do? Kill me?" The witch scoffed, rolling her eyes. I could smell the fear seeping off of her in waves.

"I can smell your fear, witch." I spit out distastefully.

"You can't kill me!" She broke down begging.

"Alpha! wait." Serenity walked up from behind me, her eyes locked on the witch in front of us.

"Mother?" She asked her voice laced with confusion.

" baby." I glanced between the two completely lost.

"Serenity, explain." I command crossing my arms over my chest.

"This is my mother...Gisele. She abandoned me with my father and previous alpha." Serenity spoke up venom in her tone.

"Serenity, sweetheart. I had no choice, if I even tried to stay they would have killed me." Gisele sobbed, going slack in Bryan and Aofie's arms.

"YOU left me! You could have taken me with you! But instead you left me with a crazy alpha and father that was murdered!" Serenity yelled her eyes beginning to darken to complete black. Stepping forward I place my hand on her shoulder. Serenity glanced up at me anger and sadness etched onto her face.

"Calm down." I sooth, Serenity slowly relaxes under my touch. I glanced over at Aofie to find his face stone cold, but I could see the anger that was circulating in his eyes.

"What do you want us to do with her?" I asked Serenity. This was her mother, as much as I wanted to kill her right here right now I still had many questions for her.

"Lock her in the cells." Serenity growls out before turning and stomping away.

"Have her sedated and detained. I want her in the cells." I command as I turn and make my way over to my mate. Jeremiah holds Cassandra in his arms, her body pressed firmly into his.

"How is she?" I wonder as I brush a strand of curly hair out of her face.

"She seems fine," Jeremiah starts as he glances down at her sleeping form.

"Just passed out from the lack of food and water. We need to get her to the pack doctor." Jeremiah stated as he turned to one of our vans placing Cassandra into it.

After a short ride back to our pack lands Cassandra was taken in by our pack doctor and the witch was thrown in the cells.

"Alpha's, your mate should be fine soon. I did find copious amounts of wolfsbane in her system. We were able to get as much out as possible. Luna may be weak for a couple weeks as it works it way out of her system." The pack doctor explained as we followed him towards her room. We entered the room to find Cassandra sleeping peacefully, her breathing was even and she was hooked up to an IV. Right now we needed to handle the witch.

"Thank you, Doctor. We should be back in a few hours, if our mate awakens before we are back contact us immediately." Jeremiah ordered before turning and stalking out of the room.

"What are we going to do with the witch? We also need to do damage control with Greyson's pack." I sighed, sinking into my desk chair. Jeremiah sat across from me in the armchair in front of my desk.

"I know...Should we wait for Cassandra to wake up and have her go along with us to question her, or should we do it ourselves?" Jeremiah inquired running his hand over his face.

"I think she would want us to wait, I think the witch knows something that we don't and it may change the wolf community as a whole." I mentioned, as much as I wanted to storm downstairs and rip Gisele's throat out, I believe that Cassandra would want us to wait.

Days passed and Cassandra still hasn't woken up. Jeremiah has been angrier than usual, him usually being the cool headed one between the two of us. Aofie sat across from me as I continued to do paperwork.

"Why not just talk to her? She is your mate after all." I smirked, glancing up at him, it wasn't going to be long before the mate bond hit him full force.

"I told you...I do not need a mate." Aofie ground out. Currently he had been venting to me about how he did not like the other wolves flirting with Serenity.

"Josiah...Oh...Gamma Aofie, Hello." Serenity burst the door stopping short as she glanced Aofie. Aofie turned his attention to her, his face stoic as we watched her approach my desk.

"That's Alpha Josiah..." Aofie growled showing his dislike of the informalities.

"I told her she could call me that." I chuckled, setting my pen down and turning my attention to them completely.

"What's up, Serenity?" I asked leaning back in my chair.

"I was doing some research about twin mates, since they are so uncommon, and found something interesting." I nodded encouraging her to continue.

"It states that there is one true alpha pairing, the last one having been over 2 decades ago. It also says that the Luna will have an awakening that changes her and her mates. Once the changes have taken place and they mate fully then they will be complete and will be set to rule over all packs." Serenity finished by setting the textbook on my desk.

"Well shit..." cursed under my breath. This was the last thing I would have expected. I had begun to notice a change in my body, as well as Jeremiah's. We had more strength, and there was an odd light feeling that squeezed my chest...odd.

"Josiah! She's awake!" Jeremiah bust through my door out of breath. Shooting from my desk we sprinted towards the pack doctor's office. 

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