Chapter 15: Cassandra

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I growled lowly at Greyson bearing my teeth at him in anger. I felt the power roll off of me in waves, the mysterious power pushing my wolf to the surface. This must be what Savannah was talking about, that he would show up in my life again unannounced. What is he up to? I must not let my guard down around him. He watched me with careful eyes as Jeremiah pried my hands off of his collar. Josiah places his hands on my hips pulling me backwards and off the desk his movements slow and precise. 'Calm down.' Josiah linked me, growling back at him. I keep my glare on Greyson.

"So this is where you've been hiding." He quipped with a sly smirk.

"I've been looking everywhere for you, after our meeting at the Moon Dance three years ago I had been wondering where you had disappeared off to. I thought it was odd when I visited your father's pack and found out that you 'ran away'" With new found interest he leaned forward, his face set in stone.

"But I see you bear another's mark. That simply will not do. They're quite ugly as well, we'll have to do something about that." He clicked his tongue as he glared at my marks.

"I am surprised you were able to hide this long from me, mate." he purred as his eyes raked up and down my body sending a shiver of disgust down my spine.

"The elders still haven't gotten a hold on you yet?" I sassed crossing my arms over my chest.

"What elders? You mean the ones that are at my every beck and call? The elders do nothing more than hold trials, and in our case they do not have anything on me. They want me to have you, it's what I deserve after all." He smirked.

"Now, I had only planned on coming here to propose an alliance...of sorts. You know, I scratch your back you scratch mine? But now that I know you have my mate I suppose I should take things to the elders." Greyson inquired, rubbing the patchy stubble on his chin.

"I am NOT your mate." I growl ready to pounce across the desk once more.

"Oh darling, you were my mate the second I laid my eyes on you." He purred once more. His lips curled into a sickly sweet smile.

"Watch what you say Greyson, this is our mate that you are talking about. I can have you killed for intruding on my land." Josiah growled stepping forward blocking my smaller frame with his larger one.

"She is MY mate, I determined that the moment I set my eyes on her." Greyson insisted with determination. Josiah grabbed a fist full of my hair yanking my head back his lips claiming mine in a heated kiss. Jeremiah's lips clamped down on my neck leaving marks up and down my neck and collar bone. Their hands roamed my body, staking their claim, rubbing their scent all over me. My body shook as the sparks ignited my skin making me heat up. Josiah released me leaving me gasping for air and my legs feeling like jelly. Jeremiah kept himself attached to my neck as he continued leaving little bites on my skin.

"These marks are a declaration of her being ours! She is our mate and I will be damned if I were to hand her over to anyone else. Especially a pompous fool like yourself." Josiah's voice boomed his accent leaking through his every word. Jeremiah pulled me back wrapping his arms around me as I struggled in his grasp, I wanted to rip that cocky alphas head off.

The office door swung open as Aoife, Bryan, and another male entered the room.

"Yes, Alpha Stone." They said in unison standing at attention.

"Take Greyson and get him off my land. Beta Christopher, control your alpha." Josiah addressed the unknown male. He stood tall like much of the men here, his hair a rich red that was pulled up into a bun, and his eyes a rich forest green. His muscles are far more prominent than his Alpha. Our eyes connected and everything came back to me. Leaping out of Jeremiah's arms I flung myself at the man.

"Chris!" I cheered, his arms wrapped around me as he chuckled at my childish squeal. Josiah and Jeremiah growled at him as he hugged me.

"How have you been little one? Are your mates treating you well?" He asked as I beamed up at him while he patted my head.

"They are." I respond simply.

"I am sorry that we have to meet on these unfortunate terms Alphas." He bowed.

"What is going on here?" Jeremiah demands looking between me and Chris. 'I'll explain later. I promise.' I link them as I turn my attention back to Chris.

"I am an old friend of Cassie's, we had met a couple years ago before the Moon dance." Chris explained as he smiled at me once more before turning his attention to his alpha.

"Alpha Greyson, it is time to go. Thank you, Alpha stone, for taking care of my dear friend. I see that she is happy and is in good hands." Chris smiled as he bowed his head in respect.

"If you've known her why haven't you informed me of her whereabouts?" Greyson roared.

"Simply because you cannot be trusted, she is not your mate and never will be. I had to communicate with many Alphas to refuse any information you ask for. Sometimes I feel like the Alpha when I'm with you." Chris explained with a harsh tone. Greyson huffed and stood from his seat stalking over to me. Chris stepped in front of me blocking me from view as my mates shoved past Greyson pulling me between them. Bryan, Aoife, and Chris escorted Greyson out of the office, shutting the door behind them.

"Start explaining." Josiah roared, turning around and stalking back over to his desk and taking a seat. I followed behind Jeremiah as we walked back over to his desk where he perched me taking a seat next to his brother. Looking down at my hands I ready myself to explain, although I wasn't too sure where to start. I had tried to hide this, I didn't want them to know. But how was I supposed to know that Greyson would be coming here.

"Three years ago when I had first went to the Moon Dance I was excited, I was ready to meet my mate. After mourning my mother's death I was finally ready to get myself out there." I stop to take a breath. "I had met many alphas, many of which wanted to court me regardless if I was their mate or not. That's when I had met Greyson. I was the only female of alpha blood that had attended this dance, I had heard rumors about him but I doubted them. He had approached me sparking up conversation. He mentioned his crazy scheme about the moon goddess. Somehow he had gotten me alone in the woods where he tried to take advantage of me. He ripped at my clothes and tried to mark me, but I was saved. Chris had been looking for him. As his beta he rarely left his side, not wanting to leave Greyson alone long enough to cause problems. He was able to save me and had saw to it that I arrived home safely." I stopped once again letting my words hang in the air.

"That is why I had been against going to the dance, and why I avoided finding my mate...mates. I did not want to go through the same thing again. I was unsure of who I would end up with, how they would treat me...But I was wrong. Savannah told me that if I didn't give you a chance I would end up having to face him again. Over time I began to have feelings for you...caring for you. " I finished with tears running down my face. I'm scared...what if they don't want me after this? Panic raised in my chest, stopping abruptly as they each laid a hand on my thigh.

"Look at us." Jeremiah commanded. Lifting my head slowly I look into their eyes.

"Thank you for telling us. I know this whole ordeal must be hard on you." Jeremiah soothed as he wiped a stray tear from my cheek.

"What about Christopher?" Josiah pressed his lips into a line.

"Christ was originally a warrior from my pack, but after being trained for years he graduated to a beta level. Since we already had a beta my father offered him to Greyson, who at the time was rather level headed, he didn't know I was an alpha since my hormones hadn't come in yet. Chris hadn't known that I was with Greyson because if he did nothing would have happened, I never even intended to be alone with him." I explained.

"Chris was the first one to notice the change in him and had been trying to keep a close eye on him, but apparently Greyson is a lot quicker than he thought." Josiah nodded at my answer in acceptance. They shared a look as their eyes glazed over and they mind linked. Josiah's face contoured in anger whereas Jeremiah's stayed calm. This couldn't be good.

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