Chapter 28: Cassandra

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I sat across from Serenity glaring at her through my eyelashes.

"Okay spill, what has been going on between you and Aofie?" I pressed crossing my arms over my chest. Serenity played with her fingers letting out a long sigh.

"He doesn't want me, Cassie. he's always stone cold and won't even spare me a second glance. So instead of waiting I decided to go out into the city and I met a human. While we haven't had sex, he does pretty good at eating me out. But can you blame me? I have needs, which are not being met by my so-called mate." Serenity groaned running her hands over her face.

"What happened to the human?" I questioned leaning forward.

"Nothing past oral, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. But...he has been calling me recently." She thought out loud resting her chin in her palm.

"Aofie won't speak to you at all?" I asked again.

"Won't even spare me a glance." Serenity sighed. It seems like I need to talk to a certain gamma.

Walking through the pack house I head downstairs and straight out the front door making my way to the training grounds where I knew Aofie would be. Pack members greeted me as I walked by, each owing their heads in respect. Coming up to the training grounds I found Aofie sparring with one of our strongest warriors, Damien. He must be back from training the oher packs.

"Aofie!" I growled stomping over towards him. The men stopped sparing turning their heads in the direction of my voice confusion written on their faces. Damien grinned before bowing.

"Good Afternoon, Luna. How can we help you today?" Damien smiled warmly, while he was very large at the height of 6'4 with muscles that made him look larger than he was, he was actually quite a sweetheart. I remember the first time I met him, while he was a large bulky man he did have a love for flowers and baking. So much so that he had a flower garden behind his home.

"Hello, Damien. I just needed to speak with Aofie."I smiled before sending a quick glare over at my mates gamma. Aofie huffed and rolled his eyes in annoyance. I stepped in front of him glaring up at him as he looked down at me with an expressionless face. Damien smirked at Aofie before pushing past him bumping his shoulder. Aofie growled in warning glaring at Damien's back as he walked away.

"What can I do for you, Cassie?" Aofie groaned crossing his thick arms over his chest.

"Why are you avoiding Serenity? You know she is your mate, why fight the pull?" I asked, mirroring his actions. Aofie scoffed running his hand over his face.

"Because she deserves better." He growled through gritted teeth. I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration.

"What are you going to do if she decides to mate a human? not only would your wolf possibly die, you would go insane from the loss. Pick and choose your battles wisely, Aofie." I growled turning around and stomping away. 'Luna, we need your assistance in the pack house. Hurry!' Bryan mind-linked me. I start off in a dash weaving through trees and passing others as I rush towards the pack house.

Coming to a stop I notice Serenity and Damien, their eyes are locked. Damien had a smirk on his face as he stared down at the smaller woman, Serenity's face was full of shock as she stared up at him.

"What's going on here?!" I demanded pushing past the gathered crowd and stopping between the two.

"Love, come here." Jeremiah's sweet voice called causing a shiver of pleasure to run up my spine. I turned to find my mates standing in the doorway of the pack house. Walking up the steps I stop in front of mates and look between them.

"What's going on?" I repeated glaring at them.

"Damien seems to have found his mate." Josiah grinned, turning to give his brother a smirk.

"But...wait what? I thought Aofie was her mate?" I asked completely lost in the moment.

"They both are apparently. A single female having two mates is actually more common than you would believe. Some decided that they only want to be with one of their mates, leaving the other mate to either remain mate less, go insane, or find a chosen mate." Jeremiah explained with a saddened expression.

I watched as Serenity slowly began to step away.

"Where do you think you are going, little one?" Damien smirked, taking a step forward. I looked up at Josiah.

"How come they are just now finding out they are mates?" I asked, gripping his hand in mine.

"Because Damien has been out at other packs that we control. He has been training them, we trusted him with the task since he is the head of the warriors. He returned yesterday." Josiah smirked, pulling me further into his embrace. Serenity turned on her heel sprinting away from the pack house and towards the direction of her Oracle hut, Damien followed right on her heels.

After the scene in front of the pack house this morning I thought it would be a good idea to spend some time with my mates. We currently sat in their office, my men signed paperwork, while I was reading up on the information regarding the Alpha Mates.

"Look," I started pointing at the page that caught my attention.

"It says that there hasn't been an Alpha pairing reported in over three decades. Apparently, some of the previous Alphas thought that it would cause a warm among wolves. So instead of ruling over all wolves the pairs decided to keep everything a secret. So there could have been more that no one knows about." I read over the page once more. I could see why they kept it a secret, there was too much at risk. At the moment many packs lived peacefully amongst each other with the occasional packs having problems.

"What do you want to do, Love?" Jeremiah asked, running his hand up and down my thigh as I sat on his lap.

"I think we should leave things as they are. Knowing how Alpha's are I think it would cause more harm than good to come out and try to strip them of their title." I admitted. I honestly loved my pack, and am completely content on where I am now. I didn't need a kingdom or anything else that came with it.

"I am still worried about the elder council. Greyson gave me some alarming news-" Jeremiah shushed me.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there." Jeremiah smiled.

"Okay, it's settled. We shall remain the Alpha's of our pack, and our pack only." Josiah Smirked standing up from his desk and sauntering over to me. Jeremiah sat me on top of the desk just as Josiah reached us. His lips pressed against mine just as Jeremiah's connected with my neck. Yeah...I like where I am now.  

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