Chapter 3: Cassandra

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Bright light shone through the blinds of my curtains disturbing my sleep. It had taken me hours to fall asleep after getting home last night. My body and wolf were restless and the lack of connection to our mates. Opening my eyes I glance over at my clock to see that it was ten in the morning. As much as I wanted to stay in bed and avoid the outside world I had to check in with my father, brother, and Fletcher about last night. But the first person I needed to desperately see was Savannah, surely she could offer some advice. Since she was the oracle she could easily see into the future and tell fortunes, she must have some idea as to what might happen if I go with them.

Slipping out of bed I grab my towel for a shower and head into my ensuite. Taking a quick shower I wash off the dirt and make up that I had failed to remove before climbing into bed last night. Getting out I brush my wet curly hair and put it up into a messy bun with strands falling out at the nape of my neck and framing my heart shaped face. I walk back into my room and head straight for my closet rubbing lotion on my arms and legs in the process. Coming to a stop I grab my pink oversized hoodie and a pair of black jean shorts and my black combat boots. As I pulled on my clothes I could not help but think back to last night. The Stone Alphas...They were just as every bit of intimidating as people had described them. They were known for their cruelty and dominating nature, well one of them at least, the other was known for his peacemaking abilities and the natural pull shifters felt towards him. Yet to me, they were virtually strangers I know nothing about. Shaking my head I reaffirm to myself that I would not let myself get caught up with them. Leaving my room I headed downstairs smiling and waving at pack members as I passed them in the halls. Everyone greeted me with a 'hello' or simply bowed their heads in respect.

"Good Morning!" I sing as I step into the kitchen. Stopping in my tracts I come face to face with my worst nightmare. Cole is sitting at the table stuffing his face full of food without a care in the world, Fletcher is standing over in the corner with his arms crossed over his chest and an annoyed expression, and the Twin alphas were seated across from my father with an intimidating aura seeping off of them. Josiah and Jeremiah's heads turned to where I stood, a slow soft smile crept onto Jeremiah's face whereas Josiah's remained unreadable and stone cold.

"Hello...?" I start walking slowly towards Fletcher hoping that he will be my backup. Fletcher shook his head and pointed to the empty seat next to my father. I guess I'm not getting out of this one.

"Cassandra." My Father's voice held authority calling me over to his side. I take a seat next to my father across from Josiah. His eyes bore into me as I took my seat stiffly and began to squirm under his heated gaze. The room went silent as my father and mates held a staring match, the tension in the air so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"Do you want to explain to me why the Alphas of the West have shown up, in my pack, claiming you to be their mate?" My father questioned with a hard tone. Although he was rather terrifying at this moment I sat up straight not allowing my fear to be known. Having alpha blood almost made me immune to alpha tones and commands, however, daddy dearest has made me submit many times when I have challenged him.

"I did not know that they are my mates." I responded letting the word mate roll off my tongue with venom. Josiah growled lowly his hands clenched into fists on top of the kitchen table.

"Bullshit," He growled, causing Jeremiah to grip onto his shaking form and hold him in his seat.

"You know as well as we do that we are mates! We felt the sparks when we touched you last night." I watched them with uninterested eyes annoyed that they had arrived at my pack.

"Excuse my brother," Jeremiah interjected, his voice smooth as silk making me involuntarily shiver.

"My brother is a bit of a hot head." He smiled charmingly, his eyes finding mine in the process. I heard Fletcher let out a stifled laugh.

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