Chapter 24: Jeremiah

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Josiah and I raced around our pack gathering warriors and trackers. Our mission was to find and bring our mate back home, safely.

"Do we have everything that we need?" Josiah asked once more as we glanced at our pack of warriors, there were only ten, but they were certainly the strongest. Bryan and Aofie were among the strongest, which only made sense with them being the beta and gamma. They had proven themselves multiple times with their strength and speed. I nodded the feeling of confidence with our pack growing in my chest.

"Wait!" A male voice called out to us. Everyone stopped, the area going quiet as we turned our attention to the clearing in front of the woods Cole, Cassandra's brother, walked out with a pack of warriors of his own.

"What are you doing here?" I question looking at him and his group.

"My ma-Oracle, Savannah, told me that you may need my help. I was right to be worried about Cass. She had called me the other week and told me about Greyson's visit. At first I just put it off as her paranoia, but when I hadn't heard from her in the past couple of days I decided I'd pay your pack a visit." Cole explained crossing his arms over his chest, a hard expression on his face as he looked between my brother and I. Josiah and I shared a look of annoyance before turning our attention back to him.

"Greyson has her, she figured out that he's holding her not too far from your pack. He kidnapped her the other week by luring us away from the pack house with rogues." I explained with a sigh of frustration.

"HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? Why did you not protect my sister?!" Cole roared stepping forward with a growl.

"Greyson has a witch. we do not know how they did it, but they were able to lure her out from the shelter." Josiah stated disgust in his tone. Cole's face paled, he must have known the dangers of working with a witch, every alpha knew.

"Damnit." Cole cursed under his breath, clenching his fist and shaking furiously. From behind him a small female appeared, similar to our oracle her eyes were a sharp silver and skin a deep brown. She had long white hair that reached just past her shoulders.

"And you are?" I asked, turning my attention to the oracle.

"Savannah. Cassandra's friend. and Alpha Cole's pack Oracle." She responded by keeping a stoic expression.

"You're his oracle?" Josiah asked, wanting to confirm, even though she looked undeniably like any other oracle.

"Yes, and it is lovely to meet you, Alpha's." She bowed in respect, followed by a low growl from her...Alpha.

"I asked to come along because there was something I saw in my last vision." Savannah began stepping past her furious alpha and gaining our full attention.

"Be careful of Greyson, he has an extremely powerful witch. As much as I hate to admit will need a witch of your own in order to stop him for good. Although I do not know where the witch's loyalties lie." Josiah scoffed already dismissing the suggestion.

"What makes you think we need the help of a witch?" Josiah growled.

"The witch Greyson has is wanted by her kind for mating with a wolf and magic malpractice. There have been witch hunters along with other witches trying to track her down and kill her." Savannah remained calm even being face-to-face with an angry and tense alpha.

"I'm sure that you know of the risks, of working with a witch that is." Savannah sighed crossing her arms.

"Of course we do, all packs should know. Why the hell would we put our pack at risk for a witch that could easily turn her back on us?" Josiah demanded as his voice began to raise.

"It'll be your only hope of getting Cassie back." Savannah scolded her lips pressing into a thin line.

"And where might we find a witch at the last moment, oh all seeing one?" Josiah mocked, Cole growled visibly stiffening at Josiah's hostile tone.

"You already have one...well at least a hybrid." Josiah took a step back with a look of disbelief on his face.

"You've got to be kidding me. This is your oracle? She sounds like a complete moron to me." Josiah scoffed, throwing his hands up and shaking his head.

"Watch yourself, Brother. Remember this girl is close with our mate, it would be best not to bad mouth her." Josiah glared at me, even though both knew that I was right.

"Who is the hybrid you are speaking of?" I ask, keeping my tone neutral.

"The oracle you recently brought back from another pack, Serenity. She had told Cassandra of her history with her previous pack and how they forced her to practice magic in secret. She was born of a witch and wolf, ones that were in fact mated. Since her mother was a witch, the magic had been passed down to Serenity. Which the witch Greyson has may be her mother." Savannah explained, unaffected by my brother's words.

How had we not known? Serenity...a witch? Was it even possible?

"How is that even possible?" I asked the situation, taking my full attention.

"It is unheard of, but just as a wolf can have a human mate, they can be mated to witches as well." Savannah shrugged as if not affected by the shocking information.

"How did you know all of this?" Cole spoke up, turning Savannah to look at him.

"Cassandra and I talked practically every day, I even warned her about going against her mates orders but she never listens. Anyway, I would be on the phone with her and Serenity for hours and Serenity and I, being Oracles, relate to each other in more ways than one. So she was comfortable telling me." Savannah shivered from his touch but quickly regained her composure and shrugged out of his grasp. Pain flashed through Cole's expression before he shook his head, his expression going back to it's angry form.

"What's this about me?" Serenity's voice called from the doorway of the pack house. As usual her eyes shot to Aofie who kept a hard expression. Sadness washed through her eyes before she quickly averted her attention to Savannah.

"Oh, Hey Sav. What are you doing here?" She waved, skipping down the steps and towards her friend. Savanah opened her arms pulling Serenity into a tight hug.

"I came to help find our friend." Savannah smiled sadly as the weight of the situation was still heavy in the air.

"We need your help as well. They have a witch and you are the only one that could go up against her." Serenity watched Savannah closely, her expression giving away no emotion. Savannah eagerly waited for her reply, we all did, she was our only hope at getting Cassandra back. Serenity smiled widely, her eyes glimmering with mischief. "Okay, when do we leave?"

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