Chapter 55 - The End

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Mitchell's P.O.V


The walkers on the street look at us when we make ourselves visible to the outside.

"Shit" I mumble only loud enough for my group to hear.

I raise my Beretta AR70/60 up to my shoulder blade.

"Run!" I scream.

My group don't hesitate and we take off out the doors not allowing the walkers to trap us in the apartment building.

I let the Beretta dangle from it's strap.

While running I throw the Beretta over my back, letting it hang on my back while I run.

I look back to see everyone falling behind.

I stop, taking out my pistol.

I turn the safety off and raise the gun, aiming for the closest walker to Cole.

The shot echos through B.C. Making all the walkers turn to me.

"Watch Out!" Cole screams>

I look over my shoulder and my eyes widen as a walker grabs me.

I don't have time to shoot it but instead the blood splatters on my neck as the walker falls to the ground dead.

I look to see Stephan and Kal, with there guns up.

I smile at them but scream when walkers swarm them.

"No!" I scream as I throw my hands to the side.

I hear the screams of there pain as the walkers tear into them.

I decide to ignore them and run back to my group.

A walker lung's at me and I react by shooting the thing in the chest, making it fall over.

I bring my right foot up and stomp down with all my might, sending blood and brains all over the place. I try not to throw up last nights supper as I continue to run.

The little girls are standing back to back, shooting whatever they can, not letting the recoil bother them.

I slip my pistol back into the holster and haul my Beretta off my back, putting it on the automatic setting.

I take a deep breath, and raise it, putting it on the level of most of the walkers heads, the moans are so loud it almost drowns out the sound of the shots being fired.

I start shooting, bullet after bullet.

Five walkers dead.

Nine walkers dead.

Eleven walkers.

And before I know it Twenty.

But they keep coming.

I release the clip that is in the gun and pull out another, inserting it into the gun.

All the walkers start to get close to us.

"Go!" I scream.

"What? No!" Madison says not taking her eyes off the walkers she is shooting.

"I'll cover you, just run!" I scream louder then I thought I could.

She sighs and stutters, "Come on!" She screams to everyone.

Madison, Cole, Riley, Sasha, and Kayla take off, gun in hand, in that order.

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