Chapter 2 - Welcome To Manuals River

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I stop driving after two weeks on the road. Everyone is irritable from being in such close proximity. I pull into a deserted parking lot and step out of the motor home. A brightly colored sign catches my attention. I walk over to it and read it.

Safety Camp: Manuels River.

It's been two weeks since the outbreak. The possibility of a camp residing beyond the river is high. 

"Is that where we are heading?" Maria asks walking up behind me. 

"I guess so." I reply.


When we reach Manuals river I take Jacob and Wes to check the perimeter.  Fences surround the opposite side of the river. Tents can be seen placed beyond the fence. I can see other survivors wheeling around the small space. We walk across the bridge, leaving the others in the motor home. 

"Stop right there!" A voice shouts. A man appears from behind a large tree. "Who are you?" He questions, aiming his gun between my eyes. 

"I'm Mitchell. This is Wes," I motion to the left of me, "And this is Jacob." I motion to my right. "Listen, we have a child on board. If you can offer us a safe place I ask that you do so."

"Wait right here." He tells us. He returns five minutes later with another man.

"Hello, I am Blake. I created this safe haven." He explains. "Dalton tells me you have a child." I nod. "If you can make it back here in 15 minutes we will open the gate for you, any longer and you forfeit this opportunity as we will not open this gate again." 

"Thank you sir." I say.

"You can drive your motor home into the camp and sleep in it. If you need a tent tell me and I can provide you with one." Blake tells me, and with that we return to the vehicle and tell the good news.  My family is happy for once since the outbreak, not having to live in constant fear. We pull in a short time later. Blake greets us at the gate. I drive in and get everyone started on setting up.

 " How many people are here?" I ask Blake as he walks up.

"47 including your family. We have doctors if your people need medical attention. The tent is set up by the west fence." He informs me.

"Thank you, I am quite greatful." I say happily as I return to the motor home. We spend a good chunk of time blowing up air mattresses and setting up. I busy myself with organizing our food on the small pik-nik table placed outside the motor home. I notice children playing with balls and frisbee's and I think about how the world would recover from the disease.  

We sleep peacefully for the first time in a long time. The next day I decide to go on a run with some of the survivors from the park. We head east of the camp about 3 miles and come across a Stop and Save. We pile in, splitting up in search of non-perishable food items and any form of drink. A scream echoes through the empty store. I take off looking for the origins of the scream. I turn the corner of the isle and see a zombie down gnawing on a member of the group. I quickly shoot the walker and the man. Glenn, Blake's younger brother, rounds the corner and stares at me. 

"I am so sorry," I start. He nods silently and walks away. The sound of a freezer opening can be heard moments before another scream. I rush over and see Glenn holding his arm with a dead walker lying close by. He was bitten. Blake appears and upon realizing the situation he turns pale. 

"I am so sorry, brother." He says, tears streaming down his face. 

"Just do it." Glenn pleads with me. Blake walks away, not wanting to watch as I put Glenn out of his misery. Blake cries as we take our inventory and leave. We exit the building and I notice Blake isn't concentrated. His mind is focused on the two men lost. When we turn the corner a walker flings itself at Blake and they fall to the ground. It sinks its teeth into his neck and rips out a large chunk. I panic and shoot blindly as Blake lies on the ground gasping for air. 

"Sorry brother," I start, stuttering. "Thank you for everything." I walk away with tears running down my checks and start the car, not looking back at the mess I feel I am to blame for.



The Dead Alive *Editing In Progress*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora