░ Chapter Twenty

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Yoongi hated taking advantage of the people he was able to help as a detective. There were lots, that's a fact. And what came with that fact was people offering him all kinds of stuff out of gratitude. He once had someone telling him he would give him one of the houses he owned, what with Yoongi being able to catch the person who murdered his wife.

Yoongi, being the lawful and principled detective he was, would never accept such offers. He was just doing his job. He also never accepted bribes. If he did, he would have been riding a cruise by now with a million dollars in his bank account.

Yes, Yoongi strongly disliked the idea of taking advantage of these people's kindness, but he had to do it this time.

He contacted Choi Jaesang, the owner of Choi Food Industries and a well-known business tycoon. Yoongi met him years ago when the man requested him specifically to take care of his case. Instead of getting a private investigator, he went for Seoul's best detective.

The man's precious ring that he inherited from his father was missing then, and he needed his help. Mr. Choi was a kind man and supported many charities. He was honest about being ready to bribe Yoongi because he was already desperate, but upon finding out that Yoongi was taking care of a case about a man's missing daughter, relented and said it would be best to find the little girl first before anything else. That amazed Yoongi and immediately took his case as soon as he was able to finish his then current one (the girl was kidnapped by her mom, and thankfully, the issue got resolved in the end).

Mr. Choi was very thankful when Yoongi managed to find the perp and retrieve the ring. He had offered Yoongi many things, one of them treating him to the casino, but Yoongi declined. The man was quite addicted to gambling.

Now, the man was more than happy to take Yoongi to the casino. Since the casino where the black opal was displayed was pretty popular, especially amongst the upper class, Mr. Choi immediately said yes to Yoongi's request on trying out the high-end casino.

Yoongi was also glad he kept all those fancy clothes Jin bought for him, as they came handy for his plan that day. As usual, through Jihyun's help, he was able to find out when the heist would take place. This time, he was even more prepared. 

"Ah, play as much as you want, Officer Min," Mr. Choi said, not even caring about the fact that Yoongi was no longer a detective. He was one of the people who had defended him when the scandal broke out, thanks to the ever unnecessary help from the media. 

Back then, a lot of people questioned his actions for the scene he had made in the court. Nobody knew the real story, and most people who had the guts to criticize were the ones who knew absolute bullshit. He was thankful for people like Mr. Choi who didn't believe in whatever shenanigans the media was doing.

"Thank you, Mr. Choi. I'll try not to spend so much."

"Oh, my boy, spend as much as you want! This is the least I can do for you." The old man laughed and patted Yoongi's shoulder. "You're not the type to gamble, though. I'm guessing there's another reason why you're here, but I'm not gonna ask."

Mr. Choi laughed again and Yoongi was reminded of how awesome the man was. Stan Mr. Choi. 

Yoongi was wearing a black tux over a plain white shirt. His slacks were pretty expensive, too, courtesy of Jin who always complained about his poor fashion. He paired it with leather shoes to match. His hair was also styled, still by Jin. Sometimes he wondered what his life would be if he didn't meet him.

At least the Rolex was his choice.

Yoongi tucked his hands in his pocket as he looked around. He still had no concrete idea what to do since he didn't know what BTS' plan was, but he knew for sure that it would not be a heist done the usual way. He knew Rem would be here. 

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