░ Chapter Thirteen

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Namjoon rubbed his eyes, placing the magnifying glass on the table. It was already past midnight and he was wondering what time the three would be back home. 

It was at that time when Jungkook walked out of his room. Namjoon frowned. "Can't sleep?"

The younger only shrugged, his usual response to almost every question. "The others are not home yet?" he asked.

The leader shook his head. "I'm about to call Tae to check on them."

He nodded before his attention got caught up with what was set up on the table. "What are you doing, boss?" Jungkook asked, his eyes focused on the jade stone that they recently stole. 

"I'm just studying this one before we turn it over to our client. I noticed that this 'Fuyuwan' looked the same as the Beauté Rose. I looked at it carefully and it seems like it's embedded on the same rock as the Beauté Rose, and also had some ancient symbols and writings on the side."

Jungkook tilted his head and crossed his arms and he studied the stone in question. "That seems suspicious to me. Do you know why they're collecting these stuff, boss?"

The leader shrugged. "They didn't say and I'm not planning to ask. But we'll have to see. Anyway, we have the Beauté Rose so whatever they wanted to do, they can't really do it if they don't have that, right?" The youngest in their group nodded in agreement. Namjoon sighed, picking up his phone. "We'll talk more about that later when the others are here. For now, we have to make sure that they'll get home safe."

Jungkook made a grunting noise in response and moved to get his jacket from the coat rack. "I'll get them. They're probably too drunk to drive now."

Namjoon smiled at this. Jungkook always ended up driving the three home from their parties. And sometimes, just Taehyung because his brother would get too crazy when drunk. 

•YG• »» ♥ «« •JM•

"I can't believe I'm doing this!" Jin muttered under his breath as he helped Yoongi organize all the things he would be needing. Jihyun, who was watching the two with so much amusement, laughed. 

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "You know that I'm not really stealing it, hyung. And if we don't get to it first, that 'Master' will still steal it."

"Not stealing, my ass. You are gonna sketch a robbery and steal the damn thing, Yoongi. It's still stealing. Theft. Crime. AND I'M A CAPTAIN OF A PRECINCT BUT HERE I AM."

Yoongi sighed for the hundredth time that day. "Look, I told you that you don't have to help me. But you still did. So really, what's with all the complaints?"

"Because I know that your dumbass will not survive, you little shit."

"Hey! I'm the best detective in Seoul. Wouldn't that automatically make me the best criminal as well, if, you know, I had gone the wrong path?" Yoongi retorted, hiding his smirk. He was simply teasing Jin.

And it was successful. "Yah! You insolent child. What did I tell you in the beginning, huh? DO. NOT. COMMIT. CRIME. I knew this would happen. Ugh, I JUST KNEW. You were too obsessed with Rem and now you're in love with one of his goons. I just knew you had some crime kink going on."

Ah, that went too far. Yoongi scowled heartily, absolutely disgusted with the accusations. "Are you insane, hyung? Look, I'm doing this because I have to. To prevent the bad guys, not become one."

Jin only raised his eyebrow.

"Plus, we already did our research and you know that the owner of that jewelry shop is an ass. We're not really hurting someone innocent here." Yoongi added while he stretched the head mask that he'd be wearing.

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