░ Chapter One

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"What kind of madness is this?" Seokjin shouted, barging into Yoongi's house. He didn't even knock.

He sighed. He supposed he should've seen this coming. Yoongi fixed his collar and gave himself a final once-over before getting out of his room and facing a raging Kim Seokjin.

"You've gone insane," Jin said in finality as he scowled. Yoongi was probably a sight for him, seeing as he was wearing his security guard uniform and was on his way to his first day of work.

"Oh, didn't peg you for someone that would look down at this type of job, hyung. Being a security guard is no less than being a captain of a precinct. I may not be paid as much but-"

"Oh, shut up," Jin interrupted him with an exasperated glare. "We both know that's not what I meant. What the heck are you doing applying for a job at the National Museum? As a security guard, of all things?!"

Yoongi scratched the back of his head like what he always would do whenever the older man reprimanded him. "I can't really talk about this now. I'll be late."

Jin raised his eyebrows and looked at him from head to toe. He didn't seem to have noticed what Yoongi was wearing until now. His eyebrows furrowed and his lips pursed. "Night shift, huh?"

He only gave a Jin a nod and tried to walk pass by him. But of course, the man easily blocked his way. Damn Jin and his height. Damn Yoongi and his...height. Aish, why did he have to me short?! Jin narrowed his eyes at him. "First, you quit being a Detective just because of something so small. The next thing I know, you're hired as a security guard and even taking the night shift! I would've understood if you were like the head or chief or whatever. But really Yoongi? Is this the best you can do? You're probably Seoul's best detective. You're just wasting your time and talent. Just how hard did you hit your head, honestly?!"

Well, he was definitely late now, so why not make it worse? He glared up at Jin with so much contempt in his eyes. Yoongi didn't want to get angry because Jin simply did not understand. He was not there. He also knew that the man expected so much from him, but...it's just different. It's very different now that Yoongi had seen the truth. 

"It isn't just something 'small', Jin. You were not there so you'll never understand. You weren't there when an innocent child got killed by a crazy guy just so he could escape. And you didn't have to watch that same crazy guy get acquitted despite all the obvious evidences just because he has influences in the government."

"And you think quitting will make it right?"

Yoongi stared at Jin's questioning gaze, but all he saw was sadness. He shook his head and looked away. "I'm not gonna be a part of that fucked up system anymore. I'm done, hyung."

There was silence for a while as Yoongi sat on the couch. His body suddenly felt like it was too heavy. Jin followed him after a few beats and sat on the space next to him. The older man sighed.

"But really, you could've gotten a better job, Yoongi."

He raised his eyebrows and snorted at Jin. "So you really were condescending."

"I-I'm not, of course!" Jin struggled to explain, but struggled, even more, when Yoongi raised his eyebrows higher. He liked teasing his best friend. "I have great respect for security guards. They're brave and they risk their lives everyday just to make sure there is safety. Well, a lot of them would doze off to sleep, but still, they're risking their lives. And-"

Yoongi found himself laughing. Jin's wide eyes and panicked expression was just too funny for him. He didn't always laugh and his co-workers thought of him as apathetic, but Jin's face was always too funny. So far, he's one of the few people that he trusted and could make him smile, or laugh to some extent. Like now.

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