░ Chapter Fourteen

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"I can't believe I'm helping you with this," Jin was complaining. Again.

"Are you ever gonna stop, hyung?" Yoongi said, now exasperated. Jihyun was not helping. He was just laughing as he watched the two of them bicker. "We've already done the heist. We already have the pearl. There's really no point of complaining."

Jin huffed, clearly unconvinced. "You don't understand, Min Yoongi. I am a Captain."

"I know, hyung. But-"

"A Captain."

"Yes, you are the Captain."


Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Sometimes you gotta do something you're not supposed to do for the greater good. We're not doing this because we wanted to steal this damn pearl and you know that."

"But I'm the Captain..."

"We do undercovers, hyung. A lot of us had become a gang member, a drug dealer, heck, even the right hand of a mafia boss. Those are against the law but the police force is required to undergo those experiences to be able to put a criminal in jail. This is no different."

Jin sighed. "B-But..."

"Plus, you are our handsome and smart Captain, so you shouldn't doubt your decisions."

That did it. Finally. Jin's frown turned into a glowing smile as he basked in Yoongi's rare compliments. He should've done this sooner.

"I guess you have a point. Let's just hope nothing shitty happens and someone will find the stolen golden pearl in my own apartment because I will really be burying you alive. I can't even believe I actually agreed on keeping this shit."

The ex-detective snorted. Still, he was happy and thankful that Jin agreed to keep the pearl. He couldn't afford keeping the gem. As much as he was proud to say that he could read Rem's mind, the same goes with the master thief. He knew Yoongi all too well.

They knew each other all too well.

Keeping the gem would just mean handing it to Rem.

"If you two are done there, there's something I want to show you," Jihyun suddenly spoke up, sounding too cocky for his own good. The two older men raised their eyebrows at the blatant lack of respect.

"I wonder where the 'hyung' have gone? Did it go on a vacation?" Jin said as they gathered around Jihyun's laptop, the boy clicking around the screen to show them something.

Jihyun chuckled at Jin's words. "So, my dearest hyungs, I found something really interesting that you might want to know."

And just like that, Jin and Yoongi forgot about the kid's lack of formality. They leaned forward to see more of what the kid had on his screen. It looked like some kind of...ancient stuff? Ah, Yoongi hated history but if it's related to crime and mystery, why not?

"So, remember when I told you guys that I couldn't access anything else apart from that weird list that somehow your detective minds were able to understand? After that time, I tweaked a little here and there and was able to access other stuff, although it's very limited."

"Get on to the main thing, kid," Yoongi scolded him.

Jihyun pouted. "Very mean. Well anyway, I found something really odd but it had some pictures of stones and I think this is really helpful." It seemed to be a PDF file. Jihyun went to the part where the pictures were and Yoongi immediately recognized the pink diamond and golden pearl. 

The boy clicked the option to print.

"It's a legend about five stones called 'Sol' Gems," Jihyun explained while they waited for the printer to finish. It's has a lot of pages so it would definitely take longer. "Apparently, it's created by Mayans as keys to some kind of ancient something machine."

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