░ Chapter Nineteen

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Namjoon never saw his tattoo.

Or at least, never saw it properly in person. When they decided to form BTS, the group agreed to get matching tattoos as a symbol of unity and loyalty. His was placed on the back, just below the nape. 

As he adjusted his cuffs and tugged on his necktie to tighten it a little bit, he tilted his head in thought. The last time he wore this suit was the time he had the tattoo done. It's been years. He couldn't believe they've gone this far.

Namjoon, of course, could buy a new suit. He had a lot, in fact. But when he opened his wardrobe and his eyes landed on this particular outfit, he felt compelled to use it, especially that he'd be joining their heist after such a long time. He was finally back in action. 

He remembered when he was still alone, committing robbery so that he and Taehyung could live and eat. He remembered all those crazy times of Detective Min chasing him. There had not been much chasing when BTS came into the picture and Namjoon no longer worked by himself. For some reason, he missed those times. As much as he hated Min Yoongi, he kinda felt attached to the man.

He's getting mad.

Smirking at the mirror, Namjoon got out of the men's room and went to his car which was parked outside the fancy restaurant. It was Jungkook who brought the car there. Since they'd be using it for the heist, he couldn't risk driving directly from their headquarters to the casino. 

Namjoon was a simple man. Unlike the others who were into sports cars or extravagant types, Namjoon preferred the silk black Porsche that reflected his personality. He fell in love the moment he saw this Black Porsche Panamera Turbo and knew immediately that it was made for him. It was the image of simplicity and elegance that he really liked. 

He checked his watch before starting the engine and made his way to the casino. He turned on the radio, preferring to look for something random than connecting the car to his phone. Random things provided a sort of excitement. 

Mic Drop from BT21 came blasting and soon enough, he was bobbing his head to the beat, speeding up a little to match the heavy atmosphere of the song. The next songs were still of BT21. He reckoned they were new because he had never heard of them. They were still good, though. As expected of the famous boyband.

Soon enough, he was already in the casino and a valet was offering to take care of his beloved Porsche. Handing the kind man his keys, Namjoon made his way to the entrance. The nostalgia. He used to frequent casinos and steal a whole lot of fortune from pompous dicks.

Namjoon already hacked into their system so that he'd be added to their VIP list. As a VIP, he was free to reserve a table where he'd prefer to play. Of course, he chose the table situated just beside the display case where the black opal was placed. The case was locked and the glass that it was made out of was shockproof, so it was obviously hard to steal.

Taehyung, however, would take care of that. 

Arriving at the empty blackjack table, he looked around, pretending to be looking for a someone to assist him. As practiced, Taehyung came striding with his famous box smile. Someone else, a rich-looking stranger,  joined Namjoon and the two settled on the stools as the game began.

Namjoon smirked and slid forward his bet.

• • • •

"Your ID?" the buff security guard muttered as Hoseok was about to enter the premises through the back door. He stopped whistling and flashed a bright smile to the guard, raising his fake identity card for the taller man to check. 

When he received a nod, Hoseok gestured a thumbs up. "Do you know where's the washroom?" he asked before moving along. 

The unsuspecting security guard gave him directions, and soon, Hoseok was heading for the washing area. Namjoon would be interfering with the security cameras as planned. They were not supposed to completely hack the system because there's someone watching the CCTV 24 hours like a damn hawk. They'd just quickly cut off for a minute the connection on the cameras in the area where Hoseok would be leaving the small box that contained the bomb.

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