Forty- Names

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Once we returned to the castle on the bright note that we had more allies, we went directly to the meeting room to announce our positive news. Upon arrival, we see Zandos and Adina sitting at the head of the table and to their right was Thane's parents, Nadina and Malix.

"Welcome back," Adina welcomed pleasantly with a warm smile. Axa, Xen and I take our seats across from Thane's parents. They greet us equally as warmly as Adina and Zandos offers a smile as well.

"When will the others be back?" Axa questions looking toward her parents.

"They shouldn't be much longer," Zandos answers, and as if on cue Zeek, Zor and Mia return. Zeek slides into a chair to my left and Zor and Mia across from us.

"Excellent. Now let us hear from Xenophon first. Tell me, Son, how did the visit to the phoenix land go?" Zandos asks sounding official and king-like.

"Very well father. We gained the help of the phoenix as well as a few human allies who are staying in the phoenix land," Xen responds. His father gives a proud smile before turning his attention to Zor and Mia.

"Zor, do we have the lycans as allies?" the king asks. Zor gives him a proud nod.

"We do and all went well," Zor says.

"Excellent. As you knew, we contacted our surrounding dragon kingdoms and we have allies within them as well," Adina says and Malix speaks up after her.

"I will be contacting all of our agreed allies and announcing a meeting which will be held in five days time. We will discuss the attack strategies and such then," Malix speaks.

Malix being the brother in law of the King acts as a second in command for Zandos, and honestly he does a damn good job of it too. He is equally as professional and composed as the king himself.

After our brief meeting, we are excused and we make our way to our rooms. Xenophon and I arrive to our room in a matter of minutes and we make ourselves comfortable.

Our baby seems to grow every day. Dragon pregnancies are shorter than human ones and it is clearly showing on me. Though I am only going onto three months pregnant that is a half way point for dragon pregnancies.

As we lay in our bed making simple small talk, a silence sweeps over us for a moment until I finally break it with something that has been on my mind.

"Xen, what are we going to name our baby?" I ask softly, looking up at him.

"I guess we have been so busy I haven't stopped to think about it yet," he says giving me a small shrug.

"Well... we need a name and middle name," I say with a smile.

"Do you want to name her a Dyspherian name or something from Earth?" he questions. I give a moment to think, but I am unable to give an answer.

"I'd rather find a name that I feel will suit her Dyspherian or an Earth name," I say.

"I'm going to be honest, I don't know anything about baby names," he says.

Suddenly the door bursts open. Not much to our surprise, Axa and Zeek are standing in the doorway with toothy grins of excitement plastered on their faces.

"Baby names?! Why didn't you invite us?!" Zeek yells. Xen rolls his eyes but I cant help but laugh.

"I didn't think you'd be into it Zeek," I say with a chuckle.

"Please have you met me? I clearly have the best name here," he says with a cocky smirk.

"Zeek... Mom named us. You didn't name yourself," Axa says with a confused look on her face.

"So? Clearly she picked it for a reason,"

"Right... Anyway. Can we help with names?" Axa asks with puppy eyes. Again Xen stays quiet but rolls his eyes.

"Of course!" I say and the two run into our room and jump on our bed.

We take a while throwing names around, but nothing is really suiting my baby. She needs a powerful name, but something unique too. She is a future princess and she needs a strong name as such.

"I'm running out of ideas, Mo," Zeek says. Axa flips through a name book while I flip through a book of Xen's ancestors.

"We'll find something, just keep looking and thinking," I say trying to encourage them to help.

Another few minutes pass and suddenly a name sticks out at me.

"Guys, what do you think of Luminara?" I ask, looking up at everyone.

"It's nice, what does it mean? Or who did it belong to?" Axa asks.

"It means child of the stars," I say and for a moment everyone is silent before Xen speaks up.

"Luminara Dracus," he speaks, testing a fuller name out. I give him a nod.

"It's perfect. Our child of the stars," he says placing a hand on my belly and I can't help but smile.

"What about a middle name?" Zeek asks.

"I thought her middle name should be something more simple," I say and look to the others.

"What about Moon?" Zeek offers and I test how the name sounds in my head. Luminara Moon Dracus. It fits and seems to keep the theme too.

"I love it!" I say with a huge smile.

"Princess Luminara Moon Dracus," Xenophon says smiling down on me. I give him a warm smile in return.

Our princess of two different worlds, a child of the stars. She will be magnificent I just know it. I place my hand over my tummy gently, and Xen's hand follows.

A moment later his face begins to glow happiness.

"She likes me. She's giving me good signals," he says with a proud smile. His eyes almost seem to be sparkling as they begin to swirl with pink. He loves her and she loves him.

I can't wait to meet my baby in just another few months. Everyone's smiles and warmth tells me they agree. She is going to be a queen one day. Little did I ever know what an amazing ruler she would be someday.

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