Four- Scouting

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The next morning I woke up earlier than usual. Having had yet another strange dream about what I was almost sure to be an alien as Grayson described, I went over the parts of the dream I remembered. His looks stood out for obvious reasons, but the strange look he got at the end of the dream made my suspicions rise. Was my subconscious trying to tell me something?

Bastion rolled over, his blue eyes running over me as he studied me. He noticed I looked concerned and maybe even uncomfortable. He sat up and looked at me, making eye contact. I saw the worry in his eyes before he whispered to me.

"What's going on, Morgan? Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I've just had some strange dreams for the past few nights. Probably just all the stress of our situation," I answered with a hushed tone. He nodded at me and looked around.

"Everyone else is sleeping still," he commented. "When are Maddie and Dylan going out?" he glanced over at them sleeping peacefully together. I shrugged unsure of the answer to his question.

"I'm not sure, really. I'm assuming whenever they wake up," I stated. He nodded once more before laying back down.

I could not get back to sleep after my conversation with Bastion, too much weighing on my mind. The sun was barely shining yet, keeping the cool night air trapped. I decided some fresh air would do me some good, possibly helping to clear my mind. I slowly pulled the blanket off myself, making sure it stayed on Bastion's once again sleeping body. I slowly walked towards the cave opening as I pulled my hoodie over my head and over my body. I stood and took a deep breath, letting the cool, fresh morning air fill my lungs.

I stood there for a good three to five minutes, letting the air soak into my skin and hair. I had relaxed myself against a rock against the cave wall when I noticed movement in the forest. I squinted my eyes, attempting to get a better view of whatever it was. Had Bex and Garret come back, I wondered.

I could hardly make out a shape, more or less just the color of it. I could tell whatever it was had black hair or maybe black clothing. I kept staring, trying as hard as I could to identify the suspect, but after several moments passed, whatever it was disappeared into the forest out of my sight.

After the strange sighting, I returned back into the cave when I heard some groans and giggles coming from the group behind me. Maddie was being tickled by Dylan and Lizzy was being poked and shaken by John. I smiled at the obnoxious couples and walked back to the group.

I sat down next to Kaylee who was curled up in a blanket. "Hey, how are you holding up, hun?" I asked softly. She shrugged and looked at her legs.

"I'm not really sure. All this is happening so fast and nobody knows anything right now," she said softly.

"I know. It is scary. We really have no way of knowing anything until we get some sort of cell signal or maybe if Bex comes back," I say in return.

"If she comes back that is," Kaylee said with a sigh.

I looked over to Bastion who gave a sympathetic look before returning back to his own conversation with Cade. I glanced back over to Kaylee before exchanging a glance with Lizzy and Maddie and moving over to sit near them. We mingled a bit before the sun came up enough for the scouts to begin looking for better shelter or water.

Maddie and Dylan packed a single backpack with things they would need if they found water or shelter that was better for our group. Grayson warned them that if they saw anything suspicious run back as fast as they could, and try not to be seen by anyone or anything. They nodded and waved before leaving the cave, pushing each other playfully as they went.

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