Two- The Hike pt. 2

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As the sun rose and began to heat up the tents, I awoke with a groan. I looked over to the spot next to me to see Bastion had left the tent already. I pulled off my clothes from the previous day which I had slept in and pulled on my plain black cropped tank top and a pair of dark wash blue jean shorts.

Most people would probably say a girl my size, not to mention someone as pale as I am, should not be wearing a crop top and shorts, but I'm very happy with my body. I am a curvy or what some people would call chubby girl, but I thought I looked damn good with some skin showing.

I gave myself a once over, looking at my hundreds of freckles on my arms and legs. I could thank my mother for the freckles, as she too had many covering her body. I fixed my shoulder length chocolate brown hair and straightened myself out before leaving the tent.

I stepped out and looked around. Bastion was stretching out by a tree while everyone except Maddie and Lizzy were sitting on the blanket circle. "Where's Liz and Maddie?" I asked looking towards John who was trying to flatten his naturally spiky brown hair and Dylan who was fluffing his brown slightly curly hair.

John and Dylan had similar body types, Dillon being a bit shorter standing around five feet eleven inches and a bit beefier too. They both sported blue eyes but they were completely different in color. John had medium blue eyes with a strange halo of brown between the blue of his iris and the black of his pupil, while Dillon sported all blue eyes with a darker shade of blue around the outside of his iris. John's lips were more full and a slightly darker shade of pink, as his skin was an olive like tan and Dylan was lighter skinned. They both had light brunette hair but that was the limit to the similarities they shared. Their face shapes were very different, John's being more square and sharp and Dylan's being softer on the edges.

"They decided that sleep wasn't something they could give up even on a nice hiking trip in the middle of the woods," John said looking at Dylan. They both laughed and went about their talking.

I stretched my arms up and bent backwards causing my spine to make a crunching sound. Letting out a satisfied sigh, I looked down to see Kaylee's brown eyes.

Kaylee had a rounded face with cheeks most would call chubby, but they suited her well. Her lips were not as full as my own, making her mouth appear smaller. Kaylee only stood around five foot and one inch, making her the shortest of the group with an average weighted shape.

"Ew," Kaylee said while looking at me in disgust. I could help but laugh at her disgust over a simple spine crack.

After another thirty minutes Lizzy and Maddie came crawling out of their tents. They were very funny to see standing next to each other, because other than a few freckles on their faces they looked completely opposite.

Maddie was thin with long blonde hair and very lightly tanned skin. Lizzy, like myself, was curvy and pale. Some people even thought we were sisters before. Lizzy stood an inch taller than my own five feet four inches, and Maddie stood an inch taller than her. Lizzy's long hair was dark, almost black, and always straight and shiny. Maddie's face was thin and oval shaped while Lizzy had a heart shaped face with chubby, high cheekbones. As I said, the two girls next to each were the epitome of opposites.

We began to pack up camp and began our trek once again. It must have been around ten in the morning based on where the sun was, shining down through the treetops.

One rule we all agreed that there would be no phone use outside of the tents at nights, even if we wanted to know the time. It made the hike and the wilderness that much more wild and adventurous to us.

We hiked for a few hours, chattering and whining all along the way. The group was still hiking when we heard fast footsteps approaching us. We all froze in our spots and looked around, trying to see who or what the incoming footsteps belonged to.

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