Thirty Seven- Remember Earth

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"Xen?" I said softly as we lay in our bed. He leans himself up on one elbow and looks at me with his beautiful purple eyes.

"Yes Love?" he asks, his deep voice sounding so smooth and mellow.

"What's going on back on Earth? Why did your kind invade?" I ask him. He stays quiet for a moment before closing his eyes and sighing.

"They invaded because Earth has a lot of things we could use. Do you remember King Syfus from the meeting we had before the ball?" he asks, his soft calm face turning serious as I give him a light nod.

"King Syfus is the king that makes all executive decisions regarding space and other planets, as my father makes the decisions for our planet's safety and such. Syfus discovered Earth had things that we could use to our benefit but he isn't a good man. He doesn't think humans or even any other species except the dragon shifters have any meaning in life. He sees them as below him," he says, sighing at the last part.

"He decided invading Earth was the best plan of action and explained that humans are useless and killing the planet Earth, which is how he got so many followers in favor for invading Earth and it's species," Xen says.

"I overheard talk the other day, something about a resistance on Earth," I say curious to know if Xen has any more information on it. If there is a resistance that means there are a lot more humans still alive than I would've even imagined, and if that is the case I want to help Earth and my fellow humans.

"I've heard a bit about it but I've been kind of preoccupied by a certain human and developing hybrid to bother myself with it," he says with a wink.

"I want to know more about the resistance," I say, my face set in stone. This seems to take Xenophon by surprise because he tilts his head at me and raises his eye brows. A moment passed and he shrugs at me.

"I mean I'm sure you can talk to my parents about it, they'd know more than I even would," he says before he holds his hand up and squints his eyes at me. "Wait. You're not thinking of going back to Earth are you?" he asks sounding worried.

"It's my home, Xen. If there is enough humans alive for a resistance to form there is hope that my family is alive there too. I can't stay here and let them fight for themselves when I have a mate that happens to be a giant ass dragon shifter to help them!" I say and Xen breaks out in laughter but my face remains serious. A few seconds pass before his eyes grow wide.

"You're serious? You want to go to Earth and join the resistance?" he asks in shock.

"Yes I'm serious. If we can get enough help from dragon shifters and we could ask the lycans and phoenix to help too we could save my kind," I say, looking Xen in the eye.

"Love you don't know what you'll be starting. Not only will it start a war on Earth but on Dyspheria as well!" he shouts, throwing his arms up.

"So humans aren't worth a fight?" I say, getting up out of the bed.

"That's not what I meant!" he says as he follows me while I storm out of our room. "Please, wait!" he says and I stop in front of him and turn to look at him, my eyes burning with anger.

"If you don't think humans are worth the fight then you certainly don't think me or my child is either!" I shout angrily before I storm off, leaving Xen behind me.

I storm my way to Axa's room which is a few hallways away from Xen and my room. She and I have become quite close since my return back to the castle. As I come to her room I repeatedly knock on her door. I wait a moment before I hear thumping of Axa's feet approach the door. Once the door opens I am met with Axa's bright smile.

"Hey Little Human and Half Breed! Come on in," she says cheerfully. She has decided to call my baby Half Breed for obvious reasons but I honestly don't mind. As I walk in Zeek is sitting on his sister's floor and he stands and greets me.

"Hey Mo! How's everything going?" he asks as Axa and I sit on the floor next to him.

"Have either of you heard of things going on back at Earth?" I ask.

"Nah not really. I mean other than ships going and coming back," Axa replies.

"I heard about some humans and Dyspherian's teaming up to fight together. I guess human Dyspherian mate's have been occurring more than we expected," Zeek says and I sit up straighter.

"I want to go back to Earth," I say and both of them drop their jaws.

"Did I hear her correctly?" Axa asks looking sideways at Zeek.

"Mm I think we didn't maybe she should repeat. What did you say?" Zeek asks.

"I want to go back to Earth. I want to join the resistance," I say. They both shake their heads.

"She's crazy," they say simultaneously to one another. I roll my eyes at them before they both look back at me.

"I'm serious. It's my home and my family might still be alive. My sister could still be alive! I need to go back home! They need help surviving," I say with passion. They sit in silence for a few moments before Zeek sighs a bit.

"Okay I'm in," he says with a smile.

"What?" Axa asks with shock.

"If she wants to help her people we should help her. She's family now and can we really let this little determined pregnant human do this all herself? No way! I'm helping her. Not to mention I never liked Syfus killing humans anyway," he says. Even I look at him shocked.

"Zeek," I say and he hums in response.

"When we first met didn't you and Zor try to eat me?"

"Oh for dragons sake no! It was a joke to scare you. Must say that was the bravest I've ever seen a little human be though," he says with a chuckle.

"Well if Zeek is in, I am too," Axa says with a smile which I return.

"Guess that means I'm in too," a voice from the doorway says.

I turn to see Xenophon with a smirk on his lips and adoration in his eyes as he looks down at me.

"Let's save some humans,"

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