Twenty Three- Lost

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Lizzy's POV

After Kaylee, Grayson and Cade left Bastion, John and I have been tense and honestly clueless as to what to do next.

The cave system has been our support and shelter for a while now but we all know with the lack of food and light, we wont last much longer in here.

We had originally decided to keep travelling the caves which we have been doing but honestly it hasn't gotten us far. We are all hungry and need real food before something bad happens to one of us.

We've been trekking through the caves but I finally decided to come to a stop. As soon as I did John and Bastion fallowed suit.

"We can't keep going like this," I said, finally accepting the decision I had made about the situation we were in.

"What do you mean?" John asked most likely confused as to why I was changing my mind about continuing to travel the cave.

"We are out of food, our lights probably wont last much longer. Our phones are all dead. We need to find an exit soon. We need food and vitamin D wouldn't be bad either. We are probably translucent by now!" I stated.

"I doubt we are translucent but Lizzy is right. We need food or we aren't going to make it. What would be the point in coming this far and fighting for our lives only to lose them to starvation?" Bastion pointed out.

"You're right guys. We need to find a way out. By now do we even know how to get back the way we came?" John asked.

We took a moment of silence to think but we all knew the truth. We had no idea how to get back to the entrance. After we decided to go deeper we took some turns I'm sure none of us remember which way we went.

"No, we don't," I finally said, breaking the silence.

"Then which way do we go?" John asked.

"I guess the way we have been going. Maybe try to take some turns and get turned around so we are heading back in the direction we came," I shrugged.

"Alright, let's get moving," Bastion said.

We nodded in agreement and began our trek once more. This time we were aiming to get out of the cave, not stay hidden in it.

We all knew the chances of us surviving were slim. There was probably no other way out of the cave and eventually we'd succumb to starvation.

I couldn't help but wonder where Morgan had gone? Was she with that alien and if so was she alive or did he trick her so he could kill her?

Morgan and I were close friends ever since I moved to the town she lived in when we were seven. She was a little shy to begin with but my personality likes to shine and I approached her and insisted she become my friend. Oh how I miss back when things were simple and we were children in school.

I thought back to the conversation we had previously about Morgan and her mysterious alien. Perhaps she really was safe and happy somewhere with him. Maybe he was keeping her safe and away from all the bad aliens.

Or maybe he had eaten her and not in the good way. I chuckled at my dirty mind, causing John to look over at me with a strange look.

"What are you laughing about?" he asked, keeping the weird look he was giving me plastered on his face.

"About the alien eating Morgan," I said honestly giving a chuckle again.

"Wait how is that funny?" Bastion asked with a similar look on his face.

"Because I was thinking in my head like, 'Maybe Morgan got eaten and not in the good way,'" I said honestly with a shrug.

"Dear Lord," Bastion began. "No, you know what. Dear aliens, take this one too. She's nuts," he said causing everyone to burst out with laughter.

It wasn't something heard in the past few days and the annoying noise let a bit of light into our dark cave lives.

"If the aliens came and got me, they'd bring me back in a heart beat!" I say with another laugh.

"Yeah right, more like they'd just kill you and probably eat you not in the good way as you like to put it," John said.

"Maybe they're sexual aliens and they do eat people in the right way!" I continued to crack off the sexual jokes. They were honestly all I had left to keep that light going and keeping myself sane.

We kept walking through the dark damp caves until John stopped in his tracks, causing me to almost run into the back of him. Bastion and I looked at each other with confused looks.

"What are you doing?" I asked John. Now I was the one giving the weird looks.

"I hear something," he says before speaking a few moments later. "I think it's water. Running water!" he said.

We all got excited and quickly made our way to the sound. As if our inner prayers were answered, our flashlights lit up a small but steady trickle of water down the cave wall.

"Do you think it's safe to drink?" Bastion asked looking at me.

"I mean because it's fresh running and probably being filtered through the rocks and dirt above us I'd say yeah probably," I said which made John's face glow with excitement.

We all took turns filling our thirst. It also thankfully took a small edge off of our hunger. The water was cold but so refreshing. Once we had all drank we all washed our arms and heads off trying to get the grime that was most likely built up on us.

"That water is amazing!" John said after taking another big gulp.

Deciding to stick around our water source for the night, we laid out our blankets and sat in our usual triangle.

"What's our next move?" I asked. Before anyone could answer, a feminine voice spoke out of the darkness.

"If I were you I'd get the hell out of this cave," it spoke. We all whipped our heads around to see what we all feared most; glowing purple eyes.

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