Thirty Five- Reunion

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When the humans finally come into view, my mouth drops to the floor. 

Lizzy, John and Bastian. 

I couldn't believe my eyes. My head was spinning at the sight of them, and based on their reaction to seeing me, they felt the same. 

"M-Morgan?" Lizzy croaked out through the tears that had started. I couldn't even speak. The only thing I could do was nod and run into Lizzy's arms. We held each other while we cried. I knew everyone around us was confused except Xen because he had seen us together when we were on Earth. After a few minutes of crying, we finally pulled away and I hugged Bastian and John. 

"W-what happened after I left?" I ask. 

"Long story short, we stayed in the caves. Kaylee, Cade and Grayson left, and we never saw or heard from them again. We eventually got lost in the caves and that's when Azzie found us. She brought us here to keep us safe. But there's something else you should know," Lizzy said. I looked at her curiously. 

"It's Bex. She-" Lizzy was cut off by a back door opening and closing fallowed by footsteps. A moment later a gasp was heard and we all turned our heads. Again, my mouth fell. 

"Morgan?" Bex asked in a quiet voice as tears began to grow in her eyes. 

"Oh my god," I said as I ran to Bex and flung my arms around her as she did the same to me. We had a similar reaction as Lizzy and I had.

"Love?" a voice called a moment later, causing Bex to pull away from me. 

"I'm out here," she called. Footsteps approached and revealed a man with fiery red hair just like Azar's. He eyed me carefully then looked to see who else was there. 

"Az, who have you brought this time?" he asked rolling his eyes. Azar walked up beside us and placed a hand on my shoulder. 

"Brother, this is Morgan," she said referring to me. Then she turns and looks in the direction of the rest of my group. 

"And there is Prince Xenophon Dracus who is Morgan's mate, Prince Zeek Dracus, Prince Zor Dracus and his mate Mia, and last but certainly not least, my mate Thaneous Kaida," she introduced them, pointing as she went. The man nodded before speaking again. 

"Welcome. My name is Blayze, Prince of the phoenix," he said politely. We all nodded and said our hellos. 

I turned my attention to Bex who had wrapped her arms around one of Blayze's and eyed her curiously. 

"Oh! Blayze is my mate. He found me hiding in an underground storm shelter. When he realized I was his mate he brought me to their private ship, which Azar had already brought Lizzy, Bastian and John too. That's how we got reunited," she said with a smile before looking up at her mate, who was already looking down on her in adoration. They really reminded me of Xen and I before we had gotten disconnected. 

A strong arm being wrapped around my shoulders brought me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Xenophon looking down on me. He then looked up to Bex and Blayze. 

"Hello, I'm Xenophon, Morgan's mate," he said proudly. 

"I'm Bex, and this is Blayze," Bex answered and motioned her hand towards Blayze, who nodded in response before looking at me. His eyes flashed down to my small baby bump for a moment, before looking back up at my face. 

"Morgan, may I ask how far along you are?" Blayze asked with a small smile. Unfortunately nobody else had noticed my bump before and gasps from Lizzy, Bastian and Bex filled the air. 

"You're pregnant?!" Lizzy and Bex asked in unison. 

"Yeah, I am. I'm only a few months along," I said, a bit shyly. "And it's a baby girl," 

"Yes! A baby girl! Wait..." Lizzy said, turning her attention to Xen. "You! You're the father aren't you?!" she said. 

"Yes I am," Xen responded with a small smile. 

"How did this even happen? A few months ago we were on Earth," Lizzy looked at me with a questioning look. 

"In order for me to get on their ship which was at the main port, I had to be pregnant or else my all human DNA would've set off the alarms.  The night before we left I got pregnant. Lucky timing I guess," I say. "When did you guys arrive?" I ask. 

"A couple weeks ago. Azar has been taking good care of us here," Lizzy said. 

"Hey! Have I done nothing for you, human?" Blayze spoke in a teasing voice. Lizzy rolled her eyes. 

"Ignore him. He's all polite when you first meet him, then he turns into a royal shit head," she says, walking away. 

"I will set you on fire one of these days," Blayze says under his breath earning him a swat on the arm from Bex. 

We spent the rest of the evening catching up and getting to know Blayze and Azar. They were both quite the characters and similar in many ways. Blayze was a few years older than Azar and we learned they also had three younger siblings, one boy and two girls, who were triplets; Aidan, Celosia and Enya. Azar told us that all their names meant fire or little fire, which I thought was really unique. 

Thane started to warm up to Azar and by the end of the day, they were hugging and kissing. It was far past sunset when we decided it was time to get back to our home with the lycans. 

"Promise you will come back soon?" Bex asked as we were hugging our goodbyes. 

"Of course! And you have to come meet the lycans too. They really are amazing to us," I said with a smile. I hugged the rest of my friends and made my way out to Xen who was already shifted into his dragon form. As I reached Xen, I turned back to see where Thane and Azar were. I saw them speaking to each other, slightly hushed so I couldn't make out what their words were. 

"Hey guys," Thane finally said to us. We all turned our heads in acknowledgement, but I knew what he was going to say before he even spoke. 

"I'm going to stay here with Azar," he said with a smile. None of us could argue with his decision to stay with his mate. He walked over to me and hugged me tight. 

"We will see each other again soon, okay?" he said in my ear and I nodded. He pulled away and walked back to his fiery mate. It was sad that he wouldn't be around anymore. After all he had taken care of me and kept me company since we arrived in the lycans' territory. It would be awkward not having someone close to the lycans while we stayed with them. 

It was definitely a decision changer. At that moment, I knew where I'd be ending up fairly soon. I'd go back with Xenophon to the Dracus castle. 

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