Thirty- New Mates

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The warm welcome from the lycan's was certainly refreshing. They were all very kind and curious towards me. They loved to feel my stomach were my growing baby was starting to show as well.

Thane had stuck by my side and introduced me to the villagers, while Zor tended to stay behind us and act like a body guard.

We walked through the town meeting people all afternoon and stopped into a small diner on the corner of one of the stone paths. Thane held the door open as I stepped into the diner. Immediately a wonderful smell that was similar to bread and cooking meat filled my nostrils, causing my stomach to give a loud embarrassing growl. Thane only laughed lightly before putting his hand at my lower back and escorting me in.

"Please seat yourselves, someone will be with you shortly," a lycan woman said. Thane gave her a nod as I thanked her and we made our way to a corner booth. I slid in first and Thane sat next to me while Zor took the seat across the table.

Only a moment later, a woman who was definitely taller than me with beautiful dark brown hair and a gorgeous tan walked up while looking at her notepad.

"Hi, I'm Mia and I'll be your waitress today. What would you like to-" she stopped, her eyes glued to Zor's. I visibly saw her swallow hard, but her eyes never moved. "um... drink?" she finally finished, pulling her eyes off Zor and only looking at her note pad.

"Water, please," I said politely.

"I'll have the same," Thane spoke as he wrapped his muscular arm around my shoulder.

"I'll have water as well, thanks," Zor said slightly more quiet than his normal voice.

"Alright I'll be right back," she said sounding a bit nervous as she scampered off. What was that all about?

We sat patiently for a few moments, simply looking around and at the menus in front of us. I honestly didn't recognize anything on the menu. I mean, of course I didn't. Quietly I whispered over to Thane, "Thane, I don't know what anything is. Can you order something good for me?" He looked down at me with a smile and nodded.

As I looked around, my eyes landed on the waitress. She looked to be arguing with another waitress, her eyes flickering to our table and back to her coworker. Finally I see her head go down showing defeat as she grabbed the tray of waters and made her way back to us. She placed our drinks one by one in front of us gently before putting the tray under her arm and pulling her notepad back out.

"Are you all ready to order?" she asked politely but with nervousness stinging through her words.

"Yes we are," Thane began. "I'll have the..." he said his order and I simply said I wanted the same. When it came time for Zor to order, the awkward pressure began to build as she was forced to look at him once again. "And for you sir?" she asked awkwardly, her voice almost shaking. In fact, her hand was visibly shaking as she wrote down Zor's order. Okay, something weird is going on.

And just as she looked back up to us and Zor, their eyes connected one last time before I saw a flash of red pierce his eyes. As soon as this happened she practically ran way.

I look to Thane who had a dirty smirk on his face. "Hey Zor..." he began in a teasing voice. "Looks to me like you've got a little lycan mate eh cousin?" he said. Zor gave a deep growl while glaring at Thane, causing Thane and I both to begin laughing.

"It's nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed of," I say looking to Zor as I finally calmed down. "It's a beautiful thing to find love or whatever you guys call it,"

"We call it connecting or mates, but lycans only call it mates or soulmates," Thane spoke. "Although, this means you're stuck with only her. Lycans only have one mate, where we dragon shifters can connect with several people in our lifetimes," he said with a serious tone looking to Zor.

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