Pardon My English (Chandler/Joey) |part two|

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"Merci pour tout." You told Chandler, pressing a kiss to his cheek before walking out of the coffeehouse.

Chandler walked back to his friends in a daze, sitting down next to Rachel and Monica.

"Isn't she fantastic." He said, giving all them a smile. Ross smiled at his friend, patting him on the shoulder as he glanced over towards Joey stirring his coffee.

"Yeah, she's great." Ross responded.

Rachel laughed. "I love her accent! She makes everything sound so beautiful."

Monica followed Rachel's sentence. "And her French features make her really shine."

"Especially her eyes. I feel like they tell everything." Phoebe continued.

Joey sat still, sipping his coffee.

All the friends turned to him, Chandler included. There was silence as they looked over at him.

"So, Joe?"

"Hm?" He asked softly, sipping the drink still.

"Got anything to say? I thought you most of all would've said something. Anyways, I'm going to go get her a gift." Chandler said, standing up.

"A gift? Why?" Phoebe asked.

"Her birthday is in a few days. I want to be prepared and find her something great."

Everyone said goodbye as he left and they all turned to Joey who finally broke.

"I do have stuff to say but Chandler would kill me if he knew how I felt about her!"

Rachel arched a brow. "What do you mean?"

"I'm in love with Chandler's girlfriend."

"Comment peux-tu!" Phoebe spoke out aggressively to him. Everyone turned to her in the confusion. "____ has been teaching me some French."

"You're in love with her?" Rachel asked.

"I can't help it. She's sweet and pretty. She's funny and nice. She's hot with that accent though."

Ross shook his head.

"Joey, you can't ruin Chandler's happiness."

He nodded. "I know."

"Oh, I didn't expect anyone to be here." Joey said as he walked into his apartment and saw you sitting on the barstool reading a book with a straw in between your lips.

Your lips.

Joey shook himself out of it.

You took another quick sip of the milkshake, laughing a little. "Ça va. I was just reading this book. It's odd. In France, there are people like them but they're dressed more."

Joey nervously grabbed the playboy magazine from you, chuckling a little bit. "Oh, this isn't really a book."

You smiled. "Joey, je sais ce qu'est un magazine Playboy. I've seen them before in my country but they're not common."

Joey just stared at you before starting to say something but Chandler walked in.

"_____, didn't know you'd be here right now. I thought you still had work."

You smiled at your boyfriend as he came over and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"What were you guys talking about?"

"Oh, it was nothing."

You chuckled. "Joey pensait que je n'avais jamais vu un magazine Playboy auparavant."

Chandler laughed, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. You hummed in response to his contact.

Joey stared.

"Lets go to dinner tonight and maybe later you can teach me more French in bed." Chandler said, causing you to laugh a little as you exited to get dressed.

Joey stood awkwardly there.

"So, how do you like _____?"

"She's alright, I guess."

"Alright? You guess? She's French!"

He nodded. "Yeah, and she makes you happy. That's good. I'll see you tomorrow."

Chandler stared at his friend who went back into his bedroom as you came out. His worries disappeared when he saw you in a flowing dress.

"You look, how do you say beautiful in French?" He asked, walking over to you.


"Say it again." He said, a smile on his lips.


He pressed his lips to yours in response to this. You hummed at the contact before he let go and you smiled.

"Je t'aime." You told him, wrapping your arms around his neck and smiling up at him.

part three?

treat people with kindness.


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