Sweet Introduction (Chandler)

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You let out a frustrated sigh, staring at the coffee sitting on the table in front of you. He had promised to be here earlier, to make it up to you. He said he wouldn't let you down again but he lied. Again.

You weren't surprised.

"I don't think that coffee is going to drink itself." You heard someone say in front of you. You looked up, a smile on your lips while you laughed a little.

"Yeah, I know. I'm just waiting for someone but I guess the time's up for that." You sighed, beginning to grab your coat and purse.

"Uh, wait! You can come hang out with me and my friends." He quickly tried to appeal to you. You grabbed your coat, your purse, and looked up at him with a gentle smile.


He smiled. "Okay, cool. You said yes, so that means, you can, uh, follow me, I guess." He said awkwardly, causing you to laugh.

You walked over to where his friends were all sitting, having some weird discussion about some type of plant someone had discovered.

"Hi, so I'm Chandler. This is Joey, who you'll want to stay away from because-"

Joey interrupted. "Uh, let the lady come near me if she wants. I'm very, very friendly."

You saw him send you a smirk as you laughed back in response.

"This is Ross, who works in a museum. He's a paleontologist so he basically just studies corpses."

Ross sent a light glare, letting out a sigh as the girl next to him rubbed his shoulder in a friendly manner.

Chandler pointed to a blonde sitting on the couch. "That's Phoebe, who will clean your ora and help you eat more plants if you'd like."

You chuckled. "I'm also a vegetarian so I don't see an issue with that." Chandler couldn't wipe the smile off of his lips.

"That's Monica, who is a chef so she'll cook you anything you want as long as she isn't busy worrying over Richard."

You gave him a look. "What? Who's Richard?"

"He's, He's no one." Monica stepped in, giving a smile towards you. You smiled again, waiting for the last person.

"And that's Rachel who bailed on a guy faster than she hooked up with one."

"Shut up, Chandler, or there'll be more than just coffee in your cup next time." Rachel threatened, making you laugh again.

"Nice to meet you all. I'm _____."

Monica smiled, glancing over towards Chandler who couldn't stop staring at you. You took a seat next to Phoebe who looked you over with a smile. "You seem stressed."

You turned to face her. "Uh, yeah, I am actually. How could you guess that?"

She smiled. "Just by the way you sat down, of course. It was a really floppy sit down, like, you seemed all sad and upset about something. It's just something I can sense."

You nodded. "Right, well, I was supposed to be meeting a guy here tonight but he never showed up so now I'm here with you guys."

They all smiled, Chandler especially. Joey smacked him on the arm. "What?" He motioned towards you looking over at him. "Uh, hi." He said awkwardly.

"Hi." You said back, looking down at your watch before standing up and moving over to the door to leave. "Sorry, I have to get home. Work tomorrow. It was nice meeting you all."

Joey smacked Chandler again as you began to walk out the door. "Uh, wait!" Chandler called out, catching your attention before you left.

He came up to you, a little out of breath as he tried to catch it, and leaned against the wall.

"How would you like to go out with me sometime?" He asked. You could see how nervous he was in his eyes but he refused to show it in his words.

You nodded. "Uh, yeah. I'd like that. Don't stand me up like this guy did though." You told him, smiling a little at the end before leaning up to press a light kiss to his cheek. "Bye, Chandler."

You opened the door and left, turning to lock back and see Chandler with the biggest smile you'd ever seen on a guy before, his fingers brushing over the spot where you kissed him, staring over at his friends.

You chuckled.

"You're so sweet."

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