Anything For You (Ross)

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"So how are things with you and Chandler?" Ross asked you while you both walked down the street together. The recent breakup had damaged the friendship between the two of you, leaving you a crying mess and Chandler trying to get used to being alone.

"It's, uh, fine." You replied swiftly, wiping the streaming tears that seemed to freeze to your cheek due to the cold weather as you continued your way to Central Perk.

"Hey, everything will be okay." Ross comforted.

You stopped, turning to face him in the middle of the snowy streets, throwing your gloved hands in the air as you stared up at him. "How do you know that! How do we know anything!"

Ross let out a gentle sigh, placing a hand tenderly on your shoulder before you shoved yourself into his large arms, holding on to him for what seemed like for dear life.

"Ross, I just want this pain to go away." You quietly admitted to him, holding onto him. "Thank you for being here for me."

He nodded, holding you back. "Of course. I'd do anything for you, ____."

You took a step back, smiling a teary smile up at his tall figure as snow fell softly from the heavens. "Really?"

He nodded, giving an awkward smile and laugh to accompany it. "Of course. I want you to be happy and not to be in pain anymore."

F.R.I.E.N.D.S ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now