Fatherly Figure (Chandler)

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<<<the long awaited Chandler imagine is coming next:))>>>

"Monica!" You called out into the empty apartment, sitting on the couch while holding your stomach in pain. Pain soared throughout your stomach, as you tried to clench your teeth to hold it back. "Mon!" You called out again, getting no response.

In the pain, you stood up, forcing your way over to the door where you opened it, trying to hold your stomach.

Yes, being pregnant wasn't fun at all. However, the end result and reward meant a lot more to you than the pain you were currently bearing.

"Monica!" You yelled out in the hallway, knocking on Joey's door as Rachel opened it for you.

"Hey, sweetie." She said before noticing you bent over, clutching your stomach. "Oh, god! What's going on? Is everything okay?"

You shook your head, trying to hold yourself up but the pain was shooting splinters through your body. It burned.

"Get Chandler on the phone." You told her, trying to say it as clearly as possible without the pain.

She yelled back at Joey, who immediately agreed, as she held onto you and you held onto your stomach.

"What's going on?" She asked softly, trying to keep the stress level under wraps.

"I'm not sure." You said, forcing out the words as you felt another burn go through your body, causing a small scream of pain tear out of your mouth.

"We need to get to a hospital. Chandler will meet us there." Joey said, helping pick you up as Rachel made sure to bring water and a jacket for you, grabbing her wallet as well on the way out.

"Joey! Is everything alright?" Chandler asked, running up in the hospital as Rachel came out of the room.

"So, the doctor said everything will be just fine. That the pain she's currently experiencing is normal if it's more than one child."

Chandler's jaw nearly hit the floor, Joey and Rachel watching as he gave a slight smile. "We're having more than one kid?"

Rachel nodded, eagerly pulling Chandler into her arms. "I'm gonna be an aunt to two children!"

Chandler held on loosely before noticing Joey. "Dude, I'm gonna be a dad to two kids."

Joey chuckled. "Yeah, and you're going to be a great father."

Chandler let go of Rachel to talk to the doctor who walked out of the room.

"So, I'm pleased to inform you that your wife is going to be alright, and that you'll be having two babies now, instead of one. Congratulations, Mr. Bing." He said, before walking off.

"Uh, excuse me, sir? What did you say your name was again?" Rachel asked, following after him down the hallway.

Joey smiled at Chandler, not bothering to hold back his happiness and excitement for his two best friends.

"Dude, I'm gonna be a Dad."

Joey nodded. "One hell of a Dad, Mr. Bing."


treat people with kindness.



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