Sleep Deprivation (Joey)

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"Are you awake too?"

You crossed your arms, arching a brow at Chandler as you stood in the kitchen, the fridge opened as it shone a small amount of light into the room.

"No, I'm sleepwalking."

Chandler repeated your actions, staring you down. You dropped your arms to your sides.

"No. Joey won't stop snoring so I had to come out here. I have a big job interview tomorrow and I can already tell that it's going to go horribly since I haven't gotten any sleep."

Chandler frowned, looking towards Joey door as he heard the snoring again before turning back to you. "Well, there isn't much we can do, though."

You stopped searching the fridge for a drink to look at him. "We can always send him to a sleep clinic. God, he needs to go. Chandler, please make him go."

He took a step back as if he were genuinely surprised by this comment. "Why me?"

"Because you're his best friend." You claimed, taking a beer out of the fridge and yawning a little as you searched for the opener.

"And you're his girlfriend! Who do you think he'll truly listen to here?" He asked, waving his arms around as if he were imitating a monkey.

You popped open the drink, taking a sip before looking up at him. "You ask him first and if he doesn't agree, we'll go to Plan B. Asking me. If that doesn't work, Plan C."

Chandler crossed his arms as a look of confusion spread across his face. "What's Plan C?"

You took another swig of the drink. "By force."

"Ugh, I bombed that interview." You said softly, sitting down in between Monica and Chandler on the couch in Central Perk.

"Aw, don't say that! I'm sure you did great." Phoebe said with a genuine smile as you thanked her but continued your explanation.

"Thanks, Pheebs. But I know I did. Every five minutes that the woman asked me a question, I fell asleep on the desk. Even worse, my hair went into her pasta- which made her shriek at me for germs and to get the hell out of her office." You said, leaning your head back on the couch, shutting your eyes.

"Hey, guys. I was wondering if you've seen ____. I really need to talk to her about leaving to go see Chandler in the middle of the night because that's kind of a big deal." Joey said, entering the room as he stared at you, now asleep, on the couch between the two of them. "Oh."

Chandler spoke up. "Uh, hi. Yeah, she's asleep." Joey frowned, asking Chandler to wake you up for him. He nudged you gently before hitting you with a fist.

"I'm awake!" You exclaimed, waking up as soon as it happened and rubbing your head from lack of sleep. "Ugh." You groaned.

"Hey, hey. Is everything okay? What happened?" Joey asked, causing you to look up at him with wide eyes and a surprised expression on your face.

"Uh, hi." You greeted as Chandler made eye contact with Ross across the table. "Can we talk, _____?"

You nodded, standing up and following him over to where the coffee bar is. "What's up?" You asked.

He crossed his arms, frowning at you. "What's up is that I wake up with you no longer with me in bed, and I come outside my room to find you laying on the couch and Chandler on the floor."

You rubbed your head. "Uh, yeah, about that-"

"Are you doing anything with him?"

You looked up immediately, eyes wide. "Of course not. Chandler is just a good friend. I would never do that."

Joey nodded. "Okay, good. For a second I thought you two were secretly hooking up behind my back or something."

You hadn't said anything so Joey nudged you lightly. "____. _____!"

You immediately woke up, spilling a cup of coffee in your lap as you growled in frustration, grabbing napkins and using them to quickly get all of the coffee off your shirt.

"Are you staying up late or just not getting comfortable enough to fall asleep?" Joey asked you while you continued wiping up the mess.

"Joey, I think you need to go to a sleep clinic. With your snoring, I cannot get a wink of sleep. Just last night, I had two beers and a half a bottle of whipped cream. I can't keep staying up."

He looked at you in the eyes. "Do you really think I snore that badly? It doesn't sound bad to me."

You looked up at him, annoyed. "That's because you're too busy picking up other women in your sleep."

He frowned. "Uh, yeah, about that. It's not what it sounds like, but sometimes after we have sex, I still have something in me and I let it out in my dreams."

"But to another woman?" You asked aggressively, a little angry as well. It was no longer about the snoring.

"Look! Other women are attractive! Alright? Let the guy dream a little. I'm sure it was the same way when you and Mark were dating."

You had tears in your eyes, angry and hurt tears. "It was not the same way." You said behind clenched teeth as tears threatened to spill down your face.

You got up, trying to leave the diner but you felt his fingers on your wrist, pulling you towards him as your face bumped against his chest.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for what I said. You're a very beautiful woman and I'll go to the sleep clinic so I can stop talking in my sleep about other women."

You looked up at him, wiping your tears off your cheeks. "Really? You'd do that for me?"

"Yes," He said while you laid your head back on his chest, shutting your eyes as you began to fall asleep in his hold. "I'd do anything for you."

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