Chapter Two

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Hailey's POV

Isaac grabs the small speaker that I have sitting on top of my dresser and takes it into the bathroom with him and is instantly blasting music the next second, as I hear the shower head turn on.

Isaac's actually really good about taking quick showers, unlike me. The quickest shower I can take is about fifteen minutes long, maybe a little under twenty, only this time Isaac actually lags it and takes longer than his average ten minutes.

I decide to unpack a few boxes after Isaac scolded me about them, rather than laying around and wait for him to get out of the shower. I start with a couple open boxes near my closet that are filled with clothes and hang them up, putting some of them into my small dresser. I chuckle softly when I hear Isaac singing his little heart out to one of my favorite songs from one my favorite bands, Serotonia by Highly Suspect.

My taste in music wasn't the only one whos had changed, Isaac did as well, you could find him listening to more rock music now, but Rap was still definitely his first runner up.

He actually became completely obsessed with this band after I showed him it and listened to their music for like a week nonstop, country was the only thing I couldn't get him into, he just refused to listen to it.

Isaac and I were in such a good place right now and not just in our relationship, but in life as well. Isaac has been in such a good mood these past couple weeks and I loved every second of it. His temper wasn't any better, it was still short and bad, but he definitely had more control of it now. He of course got upset over little things here and there but usually brushed it off a few minutes later realizing he either made a mistake or it wasn't a big deal.

I'm working on my second box of clothes when I hear the front door open and realize that it's probably Liv coming back from the grocery store; she actually took a little longer than I would've thought.

I quickly hang the last shirt that I had in my hand and walk out of my room and into the open kitchen to help Liv with the groceries she's brought back, only it's not Liv, it's Carmen.

"Hey! You're back early.."

"Yeah," she smiles. "We wanted to drop by real quick before you went to bed," She inclines her head towards the door.

"We?" I frown.

Carmen's smile is soon turning into an extremely wide grin as she nods her head and Patrick is walking in through our front door, into our apartment.

He smiles waving two figures at me, "sup, Summers."

"Patrick? Oh my God Hi! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!"

"I know right," he chuckles and Carmen's instantly reaching for his hand, pulling him closer to hear.


"Wait," I slightly tilt my head to the side, smiling. "He's who you've been seeing this whole time?"

She smiles bashfully while nodding her head yes and my heart instantly flutters for her.

"Carmen! You should've told me dude!"

"It's my fault," Patrick intervenes. "I asked her not to say anything, I didn't want to make things worse with Isaac."

Oh my God Isaac.

My heart immediately sinks to the bottom of my stomach when Patrick mentions my boyfriend, his recently ex best friend..

I glance over at Patrick, my smile long gone now when I hear the water from the shower shut off.

Oh no.

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