Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Krista’s weight collapsed against her, sweat covering her skin as her chest rose and fell with exertion.

“I- I cannot do this,” Krista panted, her fingers grasping Dianna’s as if she was her only tether to the real world.

Dianna hoped it was a sign but she knew Krista would not forgive her so easily.

“Krista, you must,” Helga ordered her with compassion from between her legs; “It shall not be long now.”

Krista’s shoulders hunched further in despair.

“Krista,” Dianna spoke over a sudden ring of swords from outside the tent, “You fought in the arena, you killed gladiators and went through pain. You can do this.”

Krista’s eyes bore into Dianna, as if suddenly realising who she was leaning against, and her upper body stiffened as her teeth clenched.

“I would take the gladiators,” Krista whispered breathlessly and Dianna felt a small smile tug at her lips as Krista attempted humour in this dark hour.

“Come,” Helga rushed as she saw Krista’s face wince, sensing another contraction begin, “You need to push, Krista.”

Re-affirming her grip around Dianna’s hand, Krista gritted her teeth and bore down with all her might.


Diomed was prepared for the wall of heat as he ran onto the battlefield; hundreds of bodies pushed together as they fought to the death.

“Protect the tent! Protect the tent!” Diomed shouted at the men as he pushed his way through the crowds, “Protect Krista!”

Spotting the roman soldier step out from behind a tree, Diomed ducked below a swing of his sword before shoving his own blade up through his abdomen.

He did not have the time for elaborate fights nor fights worthy of honour as Felix pushed his beast on towards the tent where Krista rested.

Diomed could not allow Krista to be harmed; he was already the reason for her being here. He could not allow her to be killed upon the birthing bed.

Withdrawing his sword and leaving the soldier to drop to the ground, Diomed shoved past a fighting pair and straight towards Felix.

The horse had gathered speed; he was travelling too fast for Diomed to stop the beast. He would be crushed.

Glancing around him quickly, Diomed formulated a plan and, in the blink of an eye, Diomed had scaled a tree further up the forest.

Climbing only a few metres off the ground, Diomed sheathed his sword for better grip before he found a sturdy branch and waited.

Peering through the leaves, Diomed bent at the knees and felt the branch beneath him bow under his weight.

Praying the branch held, Diomed waited for Felix’s horse before Diomed launched himself through the air, straight at Felix who rested in the saddle.

There was a moment when only stale air surrounded his body, before Diomed crushed into Felix, his arms wrapping around Felix’s upper body, and Diomed’s weight pushed him off the saddle.

The horse buckled under the sudden change but the beast gathered its balance and kicked off into the distance, spraying loose dirt up into their faces.

Guardian of Rome (#2 in Gladiator Series)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon