Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


“There,” Her father smiled as he crouched in front of her, his fingers resting lighting against her skin as he fastened the gold band around her small wrist.

Dianna gazed down at the glittering gold band with happiness as she turned her wrist from one way to the other, fascinated by how it caught the light.

“I love it!” Dianna turned back to her father with a smile on her face; their matching blue eyes looking at each other.

“Happy birthday,” Her father reached out and rested his hand against her cheek as he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

Dianna cringed at the action, she had never liked being kissed by her parents, but she had not seen him in such a long time that she was convinced he had forgotten about her.

So as he stood once again, preparing to leave as he always did, Dianna darted forward and wrapped her arms around his legs, hugging him against her body.

“Don’t leave, daddy,” Dianna pressed her face against his legs, as she held onto him tightly. As if the arms of a five year old could keep him there forever.

“Come on sweetie,” Her mother’s sweet voice filled her ears as her hands came to rest on Dianna’s shoulders, gently urging her to release her father, “It’s time to go,”

“No,” Dianna shrugged her mother off and re-affirmed her hold on her father; she didn’t want him to leave.

“Dianna,” Her father spoke gently as she gazed up at his tall figure, “Honey,” he sighed as he crouched in front of her, forcing Dianna to release him.

“I must go,” He held her face in his hands as his blue eyes searched her, trying to make her understand, “But I shall return.”

“When?” Dianna cried.

“Before you even notice that I’m gone,” He gave her another kiss, his soft lips brushing her cheek, when he turned to leave but at the last moment he turned back to her.

Dianna looked at him with hope; did this mean that he was staying?

“I love you, little one,” Titus reached forward and wrapped her up in his arms, “No matter what may happen, remember that.”

Dianna gazed down at her wrist where the only band that adorned her skin was made of iron and bound her wrists together.

Gaius had forced her to remove her gold band; slaves did not own jewellery, he had told her.

So she had removed it, afraid of incurring his wrath, but she had quickly stuffed it inside her new attire, unable to part with the golden trinket that meant so much to her.

As the carriage rolled over another hole, the action sent a jolt through her spine as she forced her eyes shut in displeasure.

She was already stuffed inside a carriage with a dozen other men and women; the air was hot and putrid and the floor was sticky on the soles of her feet.

Dianna had seen enough naked men and women in her life through her Aunt’s work as an apothecary but she had always been able to distance herself from it.

But now as she was shoved inside a wooden box, Dianna found herself pressed up against naked lengths of skin that stank of sweat and fear.

Her throat was catching around a lump in her throat as she gazed at the women; their eyes were dead as they gazed into the darkness, iron bars encircling their throats.

Guardian of Rome (#2 in Gladiator Series)Where stories live. Discover now