Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

As Krista landed her feet back on the ground, the body of a recently killed roman soldier falling behind her, she lost her balance as her stomach did a different flip entirely of its own. A wave of nausea washed over her body and sent her mind spinning for a moment as she focused on keeping from heaving up a non-existent breakfast.

That bloody fish, Krista closed her eyes for a moment whilst Frieda killed the last guard, providing her with a moment's peace but that was soon over and everybody was converging on the carriage to free those that had been locked inside. Breathing in deeply, Krista walked around to the back of the carriage to where a barred window allowed her to see inside the dark cage. As her eyes adjusted to the sudden darkness she saw numerous frightened gazes looking out at her. A moment later the stench of people herded together hit her like a wave of heat causing her stomach to flip once again and her mind reel. 

Stepping to the side Krista raised her sword and struck at the chains. The interlocked metal links snapped and rattled through the loop of the lock as they slid to the ground in defeat. Sheathing her sword, Krista yanked the door open and was immediately assaulted with a wall of the stomach-churning smell she had been faced with moments ago. Resisting the urge to gag, Krista reached out a hand and grasped the first person she could find; a young boy with wide brown eyes and skin so dirty Krista could not tell the tone of his skin.

"Who- Who are you?" The boy whimpered up at Krista as he stood stark naked in the cold spring air, his eyes squinting against the light despite the sun being blocked by the canopy above them.

"My name's Krista and you're safe now," She rested a hand on his shoulder as she stepped around him and wrenched a thick cloak from one of the guard's shoulders. Returning to the boy's side Krista wrapped the cloak around his body  to keep him warm. "What's your name?" She knelt in front of the boy who gazed upon her wearily. 

"Atticus" The boy whispered.

"Atticus," Krista smiled, "That's a strong name."

The boy seemed reassured by her words which helped Krista.

"Where are your parents, Atticus?" Krista asked whilst Frieda and Leonidas carried on disembarking the carriage behind them.

"They- They- Soldiers came and-" Atticus started to cry, his shoulders shaking as his arms wrapped around his torso in pain.

"You see this woman here?" Krista stood and pulled an older woman to her side, she was old for a slave with grey strands starting to show in her hair and skin that was losing its firmness, "She's going to take care of you, okay?"

Krista smiled at the lady who willingly took the boy into her arms and started to follow the line of slaves that were being led through the forest, back towards camp.

"How many?" Krista whispered under her breath to Leonidas as they stood to the side and watched the slaves walk towards freedom.

"Twenty," Leonidas looked upon the carriage in disgust; it was barely fit enough to carry a dog let alone twenty people.

Inches of faeces lay compacted into the floor from where they had been sitting on it and flies and other insects were crawling about the mess.

It made Krista sick to her stomach.

"Krista! Krista!" Artorius's voice travelled through the forest and hit her ears full throttle in such a way that she could tell he was angry.

Leonidas and Krista shared a look, "Make sure they get washed and fed. I'll clean up here," Krista jerked her head towards the people, telling him to leave her and Artorius alone.

Guardian of Rome (#2 in Gladiator Series)Where stories live. Discover now