Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Krista lay on her side, Artorius’s arm draped across her waist as his palm rested against her stomach.

The tent was dark with no torches lit and the air was damp from its lack of use.

After weeks living with Diomed in the forest, with nobody to account for but themselves, it felt strange to Krista to be back at the head of an army.

Albeit, an army that had suffered a blow by an invisible enemy; disease.

Nevertheless, Krista was thrust back into her role as leader and as a result her fears came crashing into her like a tidal wave.

She had just over four hundred people looking to her to feed them, clothe them and protect them along with a child on the way in less than three months’ time.

The entire scheme was growing impossible in Krista’s eyes.

She should have been here to protect them from the disease but instead she was sent away because she was with child.

More than once this pregnancy had caused her some ill fate and yet it seemed to make Artorius happy and so Krista endured.

It was too late for her to do anything now other than to trudge on.

The three month mark provided Krista with a time frame to work against and she was determined to see it through.

For Lazarus and her family who could not be here to hold her hand through this troubling time.

Closing her eyes and shuffling back deeper into Artorius’s embrace, Krista attempted to gain a few hours of sleep when shouting filled her ears.

Letting out a deep sigh of annoyance, Krista hobbled to her feet and pulled on a thick robe against the cold night air.

Sword in hand, Krista stormed out of her tent and raised the blade in a threatening manner.

“Who disturbs my sleep?” Krista shouted as her eyes took in the crowd of people who had gathered outside of her tent, torches flickering in the air.

Krista tilted her sword until the tip was pointing at a man’s neck when Leonidas came screaming up the hill.

The crowds did not have time to part before he hurtled through them like a boulder, sending a few people rolling down the hill.

“Leonidas?” Krista’s eyebrows drew together in confusion as she saw the woman he was dragging behind him; Dianna.

“Get in there.” Leonidas growled at Dianna as he shoved her inside Krista’s tent, his behaviour terrifying to those around him.

Krista ordered the people to disperse before she ducked inside her tent and rested her sword on the table.

Artorius had dressed to join them and lit candles until they were all covered by their orange flames.

Krista and Artorius shared a look when they saw Dianna’s appearance; her white robes were torn and soiled, her hair was falling in wisps from its braid and her chest was rising and falling rapidly from exertion.

“Leonidas,” Artorius looked across at his friend, indicating for him to explain why Dianna was brought before them at this hour.

“The guards found her,” Leonidas walked across to the table and picked up the wine canter, intending to pour himself a drink, “She was sprouting idiocies about romans.”

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