Chapter 6

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He drove me to school but dropped me off at the back because he had a luxury car and I didn't want unnecessary attention.

"Well, Dime something you want to give me? " Joey looked at me pleadingly

"What are you talking about? " I said whilst being extremely confused. He turned to me and grinned

"Silly girl I will not leave until I get a goodbye kiss " my face went so red and my cheeks burned, he wasn't going to leave and I could see some people from my classes coming this way. I stared at his soft glistening lips that looked so angelic.

I leaned into the car and gave him a peck on the cheek. He frowned and said

" I'll see you at home also my mother is going to be there and I will be back later so greet her. Bye." He drove off and for some reason, his soft cheeks and touch seemed so familiar. All I could think about for the rest of the day was him!.

I couldn't get him out of my mind, his strong muscles, his beautiful eyes, his hair and his-"DIAMOND!" I woke up from my daydream and saw Leah

"uhh hey Leah can I help you?" I said hoping she didn't want my help it was weird between us ever since I stormed out of her apartment

. "Actually yes, we are best friends we shouldn't be arguing. Come on let's talk outside " we went to the roof instead and spoke quietly as possible

"Look Leah I can't trust you any more because of all the secrets your keeping from me. Well, what else are you keeping from me, Leah?! " I shouted at her and she just looked at me and said,

" Well I'm not the only one keeping secrets am I Dime?".

"Huh, what are you talking about ?" Leah knew everything that was going on in my life also what did I have to hide?. She looked at me and said,

"mind explaining why you came out of a supercar this morning?". I was stunned how was I supposed to tell Leah I nearly died or the fact that I agreed to be some guys girlfriend. She might think that I got paid or even worse!

  " ok we are even now, friends? ".

"Honey we were born friends come here " we hugged a lot and spoke about Leah's boyfriend, Liam , then she asked me the big question

"can I see a photo of the lucky guy I wanna see if he's worth your love unlike Nick " luckily I snapped a photo of him when we were eating I showed her the picture and she examines it looking really closely then a few minutes later she frowned and said

"Dime for some reason this guy looks really familiar"

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