Chapter 5

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"Oh, my what a beautiful name and manners, Joey you chose a good girl I'll leave him in your hands then Dime "

She winked at Joey and smiled at me. The woman didn't look old but definitely looked like a mother she wore a lot of jewellery and had dark, short hair she looked happy for Joey. After she left he turned around and said to me:

"well Dime what are you going to now that you've told my mother your my girlfriend " then I realised I just came into a room and said this random guy was my boyfriend !. I really am dumb

"Uhm well you could say you broke up with me," I said nervously.

"You also have to pay me back for the car ".

"Oh well I can get you the money by next week," I said trying not to imagine the price, he laughed and said,

"Silly girl where are you going to get $2m from in a week?" My jaws dropped and I became speechless.

"Look just pretend to be my girlfriend and it'll help both ways because my mother has been nagging me to get one and ill look over the $2m also you'll have a place to stay " well that seemed like a good plan I mean it's a win-win.

"Wait how do you know I don't have a place to stay!" I said trying not to sound anymore needy or scared.

"Well the girl who pushed you was the girl who is getting married this week so I did a background check on her and I found you and did a background check on you, so I know your situation now "

For some reason I wish Joey never found out about everything with Liam,Beth my parents.....

"Let's just eat, " he said smiling. When we ate I realised how handsome Joey really was.

He had jet black hair, blue eyes and strong muscles he was also tall but not too tall he was......perfect. I bet be has girls all over him, I probably shouldn't bother him I mean he looks important.

'I should search him up when I have time,' I thought.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Joey said whilst picking up both of our plates "Oh I have school "

"I'll drop you there then". I hesitated before giving him the answer

"Sure! "

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