11. Just A Child: Part II

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Atlas never got the chance to figure out what was wrong with her own little group. 

The ordeal of the wristbands had taken two hours in total with Monty being able to get Clarke's off without damaging. Atlas had patted him on the back and assured them that practice did indeed make perfect. 

Atlas was leaving the drop ship, heading back to the tent she saw Murphy barking orders at others building the wall. Poor Connor had been found out but he offered her a fleeting smile, despite his clothing being wet, she decided to speak with Murphy. 

Atlas caught a glimpse of Charlotte tying rope, she was still avoiding Atlas's gaze. Coming to a stop, she scowled at how hard he was pushing everyone, especially with it being midday and at the height of the heatwave.

"You have to give them a water break." Atlas pointed out. Her arctic gaze followed the poor souls dragging their feet along with the materials used for the wall.

"We can all slack off after this wall is built." Murphy huffed, turning to glance down at the only girl outside Nyah what seemed so desperate to talk to him. "What do you want anyway?"

Atlas pivoted and crossed her arms. "I want you to stop being rude to everyone. We both know you're not as bad as you want to be." She watched his eyes lighten as his lips curved downward.

"Whatever you say, Doc." Murphy disregarded her, turning and shouting at some kid to pick up the pace. "What's with the bandage around your wrist?"

"Ah," Atlas licked her lips and uncrossed her arms, tapping her fingers on her thigh. 

"Clarke and I gave our wristbands to Monty. I went first." She left it at that as Leo, a dark haired kid with clear blue eyes and dark skin, collapsed at their feet.

"Atlas, you've got to tell Murphy here to let us get some water." Leo pleaded his hands clasped together in front of him as he sat on his knees.

"Piss off, Leo." Murphy growled. "You haven't done a single damn thing besides mope around."

Atlas shook her head. "Why don't you pass out water to everyone? That way, you get water, no one has to take a break beyond a minute or two and the wall still gets built."

Murphy gnawed on the inside of his cheek. "Fine."

He nodded, figuring Bellamy would give when it came to Atlas. Leo hopped up, cheering and shouting that he was the water man. Everyone cheered at that and Murphy only ran his hand down his face. 

The 100 were going to be the death of him, he was certain. At the sound of laughter, Murphy glared at the grinning Atlas. Her eyes were lighter and in that moment, he couldn't help but think of his father and the way his eyes lit up whenever he was proud of Murphy.

"Stop laughing and make yourself useful somewhere." Murphy huffed, his cheeks tinging pink as he waved her off.

"You're never as horrible as you think." Atlas reminded him, starting for the med-tent but stopped quickly as she noticed a very angry Clarke storming from Bellamy's tent. A knife was tightly clutched in her hand and she looked as if she could cry or kill; Atlas wasn't certain.

"Clarke?" Atlas called, wondering what could have changed in just the few minutes she left them. Atlas resumed her spot by Murphy as Clarke shoved his shoulder and attempted to jerk Atlas away from him.

"You son of a bitch!" Clarke screamed, glaring as Murphy scowled at her and steadied Atlas who remained at his side.

"What's your problem?" Murphy glanced to Atlas who looked as confused he was.

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