4. Pitfall

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A low groan emanated from dry and cracked lips.

Pain wracked her entire body. A wet sticky substance dripped from her forehead as she tried to peel her eyes open. Atlas could hear her name being called, though from how far off the voices sounded, she wondered if she fell all the way to the depths of hell.

Wincing, she blinked and spat out dirt. Pushing herself onto her knees her body swayed and she slumped to the side. She had landed roughly at the bottom, no doubt cracking her head open.

It'd be only be a matter of time before she died from brain hemorrhaging. A guttural cough escaped her lips as she blinked; the light of the sun, filtering down onto her was far too bright.

Her eyes fluttered closed as she heard someone scream, though she was left to wonder if maybe she screaming and didn't know it or if it was Clarke.

"Cla-rke." Atlas sputtered, swallowing back vomit.

If she felt the urge to throw up and light hurt, she might not die from hemorrhaging but she might have a bad concussion. Blinking, Atlas forced herself to move. She had to help Clarke save Jasper.

She had to get back to look after Nyah and now Charlotte. Not to mention Octavia was wounded and needed help. She told herself she was needed, that remaining in the pit wouldn't do.

If she did that, she'd prove her mother right and that was one of the reasons for coming on this rescue mission, to prove to her dead mother she wasn't weak.

"Talk." Atlas muttered. "I have to talk. If I talk, I can focus long enough. I just have to get out of the evil pit of hell."

Atlas stood, stumbling around in the dirt and flailing her arms to keep her balance. The screaming had ceased and she heard muffled talking.

"Hearing is bit wonky. Is wonky a word? Just keep talking, Aty. No, Lungs, no Atlas. Dear god my head is killing me." She gripped her head, stumbling forward and resting her forehead against the cool packed earth.

"Atlas?" Her name was shouted. She winced and stumbled back. Using her hand to make peering upward better, her gaze found midnight orbs peering down at her in concern.

"Midnight eyes." Atlas gulped, lifting her trembling hand, turned and vomited stomach bile and water. She was going to be dehydrated on top of being concussed. What good was she again?

"Get me," Atlas coughed wiped her mouth on the sleeve of her jacket as she struggled to remain upright. "The hell out of this hole." She blinked, struggling to see more clearly.

"Hang on, Lungs." Bellamy ordered his gaze drifted from Atlas who was now rambling incoherently to see Finn and Murphy just now climbing to free Jasper. Wells and Clarke, were looking between them and him.

"Lungs is alive and wants out of the pit." Bellamy called, turning his attention back to Atlas as they quickly ran to him.

"Help's here, Lungs." He crouched down, offering both of his hands as he felt Wells and Clarke latch onto him.

"Lungs. I have lungs, you have lungs. Lungs isn't even a name." Atlas continued to ramble.

She shakily moving forward and despite better judgment, jumped to latch onto his hands. Using her feet, she dug into the dirt and used the pit's wall to help them pull her out. Her vision was clearing, though only enough for her to see more than a few feet.

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