6. Arkinson Brand

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Atlas was certain of only three things. 

One, Jasper's time was drawing near if she and Clarke didn't do something. 

Two, avoiding Bellamy Blake was like avoiding the wind; only possible when hiding in the drop ship. 

Three, she now had gained another 'child,' and was becoming a sort of friend to a very difficult to understand Murphy. 

How the latter came about was when Nyah dragged the sarcastic boy along to gather water. With the current morale of the 100 dwindling with Jasper's pained cries, Atlas turned his car fully to Clarke.

This caused the blonde to grow irritated though she came around when Atlas explained that Jasper wasn't the only one hurt or sick. So far, Atlas had been forced to go out and find medicinal plants on seven different occasions. 

She was staying so busy with minor to slightly worrying wounds Bellamy ordered Murphy and his friends to build a makeshift tent just for her. The only makeshift beds in side were for her, Nyah and Charlotte but Atlas gave up her bed for anyone who was hurt. This nice gesture made avoiding Bellamy all the more difficult.

"Atlas?" Nyah's voice pulled Atlas from her thoughts. "Charlotte wants me and Zane to go with her and play outside of the camp."

Atlas peered up from Benson's sprained ankle, her gaze settling on Nyah and her newest friend, Zane. "Will anyone be able to look after you three?"

"I asked Murphy but he told me to piss off before telling me not to tell you he told me that." Nyah chirped, her dark gaze sparkling. She really found Murphy to be entertaining.

"I can look after them." Benson piped up. "It's not like I'm worth much else." He gestured to his freshly bandaged ankle. 

His green eyes brightened as he turned to focus on the youngest children of the 100. When Atlas peered at them, she found Nyah's eyes wide and pleading. Zane's own dark gaze burned with pleas and his lower lip jutted out and trembled. With a loud sigh and wave of her hand, the children were out of the tent with Benson hobbling soon after.

Atlas smiled gently and rubbed her chest. Ever since drinking her tea, her chest had felt lighter than ever. It wasn't painful and she found that for once in her life, she could sprint across the camp without blacking out. 

It was a short distance and she was left wheezing afterward but for the most part, she was better. The only theory she, Clarke and with the help of Monty, could device was the radiation in the plant life caused the healing properties to be far more potent than normal plants. 

Whatever the case, Atlas was thankful. With another shake of her head, she tidied up the medical tent as best she could. No longer did she begin was the tents flap thrown open and Bellamy Blake sauntered in.

Atlas tensed. "I don't have time to talk." She blurted, lying quickly as her arctic gaze flickered all around them. 

"I have to go help Clarke with Jasper and then I have to talk to Atom and see how his wrist is doing. I should also check up on Octavia and Monty said,-" Her ramble was short lived as Bellamy pulled of his jacket and began tugging off his shirt.

"Relax Lungs." Bellamy spoke simply. "I'm only here for your doctoring. Nothing else." He tossed his shirt and jacket onto the table Benson was resting on. 

Without another word, he easily pulled himself up and sat directly in front of Atlas. He watched as her cheeks burned scarlet and she seemed to forget whatever it was she was about to say. He smirked.

"Wow. Um. I." Atlas groaned loudly, eliciting a deep chuckle from Bellamy as she collected herself. "What happened?" She bit out. 

Forcing her eyes to only focus on the cut that ran half the length of his abdomen to his side, she set about getting clean rags to clean the partially dried blood. It looked as if it had happened no later than that morning and wasn't so deep he'd need stitches. Atlas was thankful, that was the last thing the camp needed; again.

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