8. The Found

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Nyah fiddled a small knife Murphy had made her the first full day Atlas was gone. 

The sound of loud thwack caused her to lift her gaze to the tree she and Murphy were trying to hit. The blade tumbled to the ground, taking a chunk of bark with it. 

Nyah sniffled as the sound of Jasper moaning ceased any teasing she might've done; not that she had been doing much of it with Atlas gone for two days now. 

Bellamy stood at her side, spinning his axe carelessly and with an expertise only he seemed to have. His midnight gaze moved from yet another failed attempt to an angered Murphy.

"That damn kid, always messing with my head." Murphy huffed.

Bellamy rolled his eyes. "He's not gonna last much longer." He nudged Nyah and silently gestured to the tree. 

"Better think of a new excuse." He lifted and threw the axe, smirking as it embedded into the tree and stuck.

"That's how it's done." He assured a grinning Nyah. 

He patted her head as she nodded, seeming for a second, like her old self. The sound of boots scuffing dirt and grass, pulled his attention as Atom, Benson and few others joined them.

"We searched a half-mile all directions." Atom shook his head. He shot Nyah a pitied look as Benson's shoulders slumped further. "No sign of Atlas, Trina or Pascal."

Murphy glanced to Nyah as she buried her face in Bellamy's side. "Visit your special tree when you were out there?" Nyah peered at them, momentary curiosity burning in her gaze.

Bellamy shook his head, wrapping his arm around Nyah's shoulders. "Atom took his punishment. Let it go." He pulled Nyah from him before crouching to her height.

"Alright, Ny." Bellamy spoke in a mock authoritative tone. He ignored the chuckles and teasing looks from his men. "I need you to get Zane and look after Atlas's tent."

"But,-" Nyah was silenced by a simple look. She puffed her cheeks and nodded. Bellamy patted her head and stood to his full height. With slumped shoulders Nyah started forward.

Bellamy sighed. "Benson, go with them." He ordered, watching as both seemed to perk up. Benson started forward, pulling Nyah up and onto his shoulders and running off. 

The way those two acted reminded Bellamy of all the things he had wanted to do and be for Octavia but life wasn't kind to the Blake's' and Bellamy had a feeling that with Atlas missing, it wasn't going away anytime soon.

"Grounder's could've gotten them." Atom voiced the fear no one wanted Nyah or surprisingly Benson, to hear.

"Yeah, or Trina and Pascal could be in pound town and Atlas got tired of it and is on her way back now." Murphy spoke just as a guttural moan reached them.

"Look, Bellamy, people are scared. Atlas, the doctor that made it a point to talk to everyone before just vanishing and that dying kid are not helping the morale around here." Atom stressed.

He himself has hoped to find at least Atlas on their search. Clarke was too busy with her tiny group and the dying kid to care about anyone else. In his opinion, Atlas was fore kinder and valuable seeing as she worked with Bellamy to set up a medical tent for everyone.

Bellamy grit his teeth, moving toward the tree and jerking his axe free. "Morale will go up when I find them more food."

"And what do we say about Atlas, Trina and Pascal?" Kib spoke, a seventeen year old delinquent Bellamy had threatened if he ever looked at Atlas again. Not that Atlas would ever know such things.

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