7. The Lost

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Atlas felt her skin crawl from the dirt and grime that had built up on both her skin and clothes. Her chest ached in time with the pulsing pain of her feet. Her boots sat next to her as her back was pressed against the rough bark of a tree. 

Her head rested against it as well, her arctic gaze peering upward in a failed attempt to see beyond the thick foliage. It was midday, that much she could tell. An exasperated sigh escaped her dry lips.

"We're so screwed." Trina muttered. She was sprawled out along the forest floor, her eyes closed and her breathing finally evening. "Bellamy is going to skin us alive."

Pascal snorted. "Atlas wouldn't let him do that, we're fine." He was upbeat, despite also lying on his back with his eyes failing to see beyond the bright leaves.

Atlas merely hummed. The thought of them dying at Bellamy's hand never crossed her mind. What did cross her mind was possibly slapping them both upside the head until she felt better. 

It was only a day since they had set out them exploring and her getting the proper plants for her tea and ointments. They had located her plants but on a last minute decision on her part, she followed after them.

This resulted in them being lost and having a run in with a very large and very angry cat. They had managed to escape it, only now they were beyond fatigued. Atlas herself had collapsed into her current position wheezing and blink back the darkness that threatened to consume her. 

She used the last of her inhaler, something Clarke wouldn't be all too happy to hear. Turns out, Clarke was right, Atlas shouldn't have left and she certainly shouldn't have tagged along with Trina and Pascal.

"How are you feeling?" Trina's curious voice pulled Atlas from her thoughts. Her fingers ceased their drumming on her thigh as she finally looked at them. 

"You're not going to black out or do that freaky wheezing again, right?" It was clear Atlas's attack had scared her and Pascal, not that the older boy would say anything.

Atlas nodded. "I just need to sit here a bit. I'll be fine." She hoped she wasn't lying. 

The radiation might've helped her asthma but it didn't cure it. Her chest ceased heaving up and down, rising and falling more steadily as she looked once more to the sky.

She found herself wondering how the others were doing. She hoped Nyah, Charlotte and Zane were behaving and weren't worried to much about her. 

She hoped Jasper was still alive and that by some miracle Clarke was able to get him in stable condition. She even hoped Benson, Murphy, Monty, Octavia and Atom were all doing fine. 

Shockingly, she found herself hoping that Bellamy was well, that he changed his bandage and wasn't letting it get infected or doing too much to make it worse. Atlas hoped he was looking after the others as well, most importantly the children.

"We could just camp here for the rest of the day." Trina piped up pushing herself up and resting on her elbows. Her gaze moved from Atlas and to Pascal who looked content with that idea. "I can navigate better at night, using the stars." She added.

Atlas peered at her, tilting her head to the side. "You can navigate using the stars?" She had heard of the ability. 

Her father told her stories of how sailors in the 1800's used that way when traversing the sea. She found it fascinating but she never learned. She always got too caught up in simply staring at the pictures of the stars rather than learning about them.

Trina beamed and nodded vigorously. "You bet your ass I can!" She confident and that was more than enough for Atlas who offered a smile and nod in agreement.

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