Chapter 42

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3rd Person’s POV:

A loud drilling sound pierced the once still air, shocking the victims who were once meditating awake. Tears of joy and hope rolled down their faces as light shone through the open hole where the fallen debris had once occupied.

“Ya’ll alright there!?” One of the rescuers hollered as the people inside nodded excitedly, eager to get out of the hell hole they’ve been trapped in for a week. “Great. We’re going to get ya’ll out of there soon. Are there any casualties?”

“No Sir but we have 2 that have fainted and yet to regain consciousness and one dead...” Jay shouted back in reply, making the rescuer’s eyes sparkle in delight to see the Lord’s nephew safe and sound.

“Sir Jay! Thank goodness you’re ok! Lord Vincentino! Your nephew’s fine!” He hollered to the red-headed King who choked back his tears upon hearing the good news. “Okay please step back further. We’re going to create a bigger hole so that we can lower a rope ladder for you guys to climb up here. Anyone who’s unable to climb, we’ll carry you guys up.”

The people nodded without hesitation and scurried to the back as a larger opening was knocked open precariously, making sure it doesn’t trigger the other debrises to collapse on the survivors. The rope ladder dropped into the tunnel and without wasting even a second, the survivors started to climb up the ladder quickly and out the tunnel to savour the sunlight shining down on them. Jay stayed behind and assisted the rescuers to secure the 2 unconscious victims to their back as they carried them out and sent them to the nearest hospital, both in the same ambulance.

“Is that all!?” One of the rescuer questioned as Jay latched onto the ladder.


“Jay! Where’s Kai!?” Lucifer shouted in panic when he failed to spot the love of his life among the crowd of crying survivors. This made Jay’s eyes widen in horror when he realised that Eros was nowhere to be found.

“I think he’s still in there!”

“Fuck! I’m going down.”

“King Merci, you shouldn’t-” A rescuer tried to hold Lucifer back but resulted in a death glare to be sent in his way.

“Shut up. Don’t tell me what to do.”

“Sorry, King Merci. Please pardon me for my actions.” He immediately apologised as he stepped back instantly.

“My bad.” Lucifer knew the rescuer had said it out of good will but he had no time to waste, especially when his love was still inside. All he could think of is to see Eros once again.

Sliding down the ladder, he ignored the burn in his hands caused by the friction and immediately went searching high and low for the one he love, only to fall onto his knees in horror. The once beating chest was on standstill.

“Hey, love. It’s time to wake up. We’re going home now okay? Kai?” Lucifer shook Eros’s unconscious body lightly to no avail. Tears sprung up in his eyes as he feared for the worse to come. His worse fear hit him like a truck when there were no signs of life. No breathing, no pulse, nothing.

“No no no. Wake up Kai. Wake up!” He slapped his face gently only to come into contact with a sticky substance of red which made his face pale and him nauseous. “Kai come on. Don’t joke with me like this. Kai wake up. We’re going home together right? We’re going back to see our daughter, Amarie right? Right, Kai? So please don’t scare me Kai. Wake up! Please! Open your eyes!”

By this moment, Lucifer couldn’t think straight. All he wanted was to see his lover open his pair of eyes again and say ‘Gotcha, Satan’ with a playful grin on his face but none of that happened. None of that happened. His body remained as cold as ice and as motionless as a doll as it slumped back against the train walls, hands dropped to his side with a small smile gracing his lips.

“K-Kai?” A timid voice sounded, causing Lucifer to turn towards the source with anguish in his tear-glazed eyes. Jay stood there in disbelief, shaking his head at the scene. “K-Kai’s f-fine...right? H-He’s only s-sleeping r-right?” By this time, tears were casading down his face as he watched Lucifer bring Eros’s lifeless body into his embrace and hugged him tight. “He was f-fine just moments a-ago. H-He was only coughing. W-Why?”

Lucifer’s heart felt like it was being stabbed by countless knives as he buried his head into Eros’s shoulder. He couldn’t care who was watching. He had just lost his one and only true love and soul mate. The one he had fallen so deeply for. The one he had planned to start a family with. The one he wanted to live till old together. The one he want to shower with love and kisses. Now he can do none of that. “Damn it, Kai! I didn’t even get to propose to you. Fuck! If I did not bring you here and had just proposed to you back home, you’ll still be alive. You’ll still be smiling and playing around with our daughter. You’ll still be by my side with me. Fuck! Damn it!” He cried out in agony. ‘It’s all my own fault. I killed him. I killed the one I fucking love!’

Hearing the commotion from below, Vincentino couldn’t help but rush down to the scene only to let out a regretful gasp at the sight before biting down on his bottom lip. He put on a brave front for his nephew who had lost a friend and his friend who had just lost his lover he so badly loved and wanted to propose to and now, his dreams were all crushed. Bowing his head slightly, he prayed for the kind soul to rest in peace and hopefully to help Lucifer get back onto his feet. From all the stories shared by Lucifer about his lover, Vincentino knew that he was the one who melted Lucifer’s cold heart and how noble and selfless he was. Indeed a true warrior at heart.

Looking back up, he caught sight of a heart wretching sight as he tapped on Lucifer’s shoulder firmly. “Look.”

There in the soil wrote the words:

I do

Fuck. I cried writing this part.😭

The King's Assassin (B×B) [Book 2 of the Lethal Passion Series]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum