Chapter 9

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Lucifer’s POV:

*knock knock*


“King Merci.” My trusty advisor, Federick, entered my office silently as he stood before my desk upright.

“What do you want Federick?”

“The preparations have been done and announced to the public. It will be held in 3 days time.” Huh? What is he talking about?

“...What preparations?”

“The preparations to execute the assassin, King Mer-” What did he just say?!

“Who gave you permission to do all those behind my back?!” I lashed at him fiercely yet unintentionally. Holy chicken nuggets and fish burger… I didn’t mean to just lash out like that.

“That’s what I’ve been doing for all the previous intruders under your specific orders, King Merci.” He replied calmly in return, showing that he did not take any offence from my harsh words. Thank goodness. I wouldn’t want to lose someone as valuable as him.

“This one is different. No one is allowed to decide anything for him other than me myself. Got it?” I ordered in a warning tone as he nodded in understanding.

“Yes, King Merci.”

“Go and inform the public that show’s cancelled. No questions allowed or they’ll be silenced.” The public can sometimes be as annoying as Sakura in Naruto. (I re-read it and found the last few words disturbing 😆)

“Yes, King Merci. Sorry for not asking you before doing these. I’ll humbly accept any punishments you lay on me.”

“No worries. You’re safe. Sorry for raising my voice at you just now.”

“It’s fine, King Merci. I understand how you feel.” He said in a knowing tone. How I feel?

“What do you mean, Federick?”

“Oh look at the time. I have to go now King Merci if I’m going to make the report to the public by today. If you’ll excuse me. Have a good day my King.” He said quickly before disappearing from my room as I sat there wondering what the hell was he talking about.

Oh well… what time is it now anyway? It can’t be that late r- Holy fish sticks and spaghetti! Okay gross. Fish sticks and spaghetti is a bad combination but 9:30pm?! That’s way past Ky’s dinner time! Not like he eats anyway but I can’t help but try. I want to be the one that makes him eat. I can’t stand watching him faint again due to the lack of food when I’m trying to feed him all the damn time.

Turning off my laptop after saving my documents, I rushed downstairs to see what I can whip up for him. Scanning the fridge quickly, I took out 3 eggs, milk, a tomato and a piece of cheese. I hope he doesn’t mind cheesy tomato omelette even though my hair or my shirt is going to be the one that eats them in the end. I’ve learnt my lesson to not feed him soup unless it’s my mum who tries to feed him. The one time when I tried to feed him chicken soup, he accidentally spilled it all over my arm, scalding it red. It hurts like a hot dog getting boiled I tell you.

Flipping the ready omelette onto a plastic plate, I took out a plastic fork and placed it on the plate before taking Mum’s shower cap and wearing it over my head before grabbing a disposable poncho and putting it on. I don’t feel like washing my hair or even bathe when it’s this late already. Who even has the mood for that?

Grabbing the plate, I walked to Ky’s room quickly before opeinging the door softly so as to not wake him up. As I’ve guessed, he was indeed sleeping soundly. He looks like an angel with how peaceful he looks as soft snores escaped his perfect full lips.

Tapping his shoulder lightly, he stirred slightly before fluttering his heavy tired eyes open. His once peaceful look turned into a look of mixed expressions which I can’t read before turning into a scowl as he glared at me with his icy cold eyes.

Eros’s POV:

I scanned my eyes quickly over Lucifer’s outfit as I held in my laughters, afraid that I’ll burst out laughing if I didn’t try to hold them back. What is with his weird and funny outfit? He looks like a clown!

Covering it up with a glare, he sighed loudly before revealing a plate of eggs! Shit. I love eggs. I’ve only tried it once but I have to say that it’s the best thing one can ever eat! But….how did he find out? Staring at the plate with invisible drool flowing down my mouth, my stomach growled loudly when I took a whiff of it’s aroma.

No Eros

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No Eros. Bad boy. No eating got it? You won’t know if it’s drugged or if they have any motives behind treating me this well. Shaking my head rapidly to clear my hunger filled thoughts, I heard yet a other loud sigh to see him cutting the eggs with a fork as something light yellow and gooey seeped out as the red chunks seeped in between the gaps he made. What did he add in the eggs?! He destroyed them!

“Here. Eat.” He ordered as he held up a fork full of eggs and the weird stuffs… Shaking my head stubbornly, I moved my hands to knock the plate over him as usual but were caught by his firmly as he tied them up together…



Lucifer’s POV:

Upon trying his hands together in a tight knot, his once cold and hard eyes soon turned into ones that are full of fear and anxiousness. He stared at me fearfully with wide teary eyes as he jerked away quickly off the bed and onto the ground in a submissive position as he begged repeatedly for forgiveness.

“Please forgive me Master! Please forgive me Daddy! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Please don’t leave me! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m-” Tears flowed freely down his beautiful face as I felt my heart shattering at the image before me. Placing the plate down quickly, I took his quivering form into my arms as I wrapped my arms around him firmly as he buried his head into my chest while continuing to say sorry. What happened to him? What made him like this?

Stroking his head gently, I whispered softly into his ear as he calmed down greatly. “I’m not going to leave you Ky. Calm down. Everything’s gonna be fine. I promise. I’m here for you so don’t cry my love. I’m here.” Patting his head tenderly, his cries soon turned into sniffles as I gave him time to recompose himself.

“Better, Ky?” He nodded while rubbing his tears away fiercely before climbing back onto the bed with the same blank look he's been giving me since day 1. Sigh… seems like we’re back to square one again. Here I was thinking that we’re making some improvements. Guess it isn’t that easy. Sometimes I should just keep my big mouth shut. Why the hell did I wish for a challenging one?

But to think that I'm finally able to hear his breath-taking voice is much more priceless than I've thought. He sounded so precious. I'm going to have him no matter wha-

Wait. What the hell am I even saying? You know what? Ignore what I've been saying till now. I wasn't in the right state of mind.

Hear me?



The King's Assassin (B×B) [Book 2 of the Lethal Passion Series]Where stories live. Discover now