Chapter 33

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Short chapter ahead! + time skip

Lucifer's POV:

Flahsback start:

"...Clostridium Botulinum." What?


"Clostridium Botulinum. It's a toxin that attacks the nervous system of the affected individual and causes trouble in respiration, swallowing, speaking, vision and causes overall physical weakness. This results in an inability to breathe since the toxin causes paralysis in the breathing muscles and the person gradually... dies." D-Die? I can't let Kai die. I've just gotten him back. He can't just die on me like that. He can't. I won't allow him.

"C-Can it be cured...fully?"

"With antibiotics, yes. But I can't guarantee you 100%. There's a 93% possibility of him recovering and a 7% not recovering. The worrisome thing is his breathing. With his lung being punctured by his broken rib and the lack of contraction of his lungs, his rate of being able to breathe naturally is undoubtedly low and must be watched over in case of lung failure which can mean immediate death for him if not noticed immediately. However, we can only know the degree of seriousness when he wakes up. For now, I've set him up on oxygen support to help him in his breathing. He should be waking up in a week or two, depending on him."

"So he'll survive...right?"

"Most likely, King Merci. I do hope so."

Flaskback end~

"Papa! Daddy moved!" Amerie's sudden exclamation snapped me out of my daze, making me turn my attention back to Kai's hand which I was currently holding to see his fingers clenching slightly. Minimal but there. His awake, finally. After 9 days. After 9 heart-hammering days.

"Amerie, call Dr White!"

"Okie!" After mock-saluting adorably, she immediately sprinted off in search of the doc as I shut all the curtains to prevent the afternoon sunlight from getting into Kai's opening eyes.

"K-Kai? Can you hear me?" A soft groan left his lips as he started to flutter his eyes open groggily, his unfocused gaze locked onto mine as he blinked consecutively before softening his gaze upon realizing where he is. "Thank goodness... I thought that I've lost you for good this time." These words which I've longed to say since the day I've gotten him back earned me a light chuckle from him as he grabbed hold of my hand in his thinner one before squeezing it softly, as if reassuring me his presence.

"Ah. It's good to see you awake, Kai." A comforting smile graced his face as he watched Kai quietly with gentle eyes. Mum and Amerie on the another hand, were the opposite.

"Daddy! You're awake!" Amerie squealed in joy before dashing towards the bed and crawling up to his side where Kai stroked her head tenderly, making her snuggle into his side.

"Oh my baby! You're finally awake!" Mum, like Amerie, rushed to his side before attacking him with kisses all over his face, making him blush lightly and smile lightly at the affection he've received.

"Okay, so I'll just have to ask Kai here some questions before briefing you on what to look out for. Both of you." He looked between Kai and I as we nodded simultaneously. "Good. Now, Kai, do you have any difficulty swallowing or speaking?" Taking the time he needed, he swallowed softly before replying, "Hurts... a little..."

"Ah. That's expected. Not to worry. Next question, is your vision clear or is it blurred?" He cracked out a rough 'clear' this time, making me reach for a glass of water but was stopped by White, well more like reprimanded for my neglect. "Lucifer, give it to him later after I've hooked him up to a nasal cannula. It's not safe to remove the face mask now."


"Don't worry son. I know you mean well. Anyways, on to the next question..." After a few more questions, he suggested observing Kai's condition for a few more days, putting him on bed rest for the whole period he's in here.

"Why does daddy need to sleep some more? What's this mask he's wearing, papa?" Amerie questioned curiously as she sat on a chair beside Kai's bed, swinging her legs in the air.

"Cuz Daddy's tired and that's an oxygen mask daddy's wearing."

"Oh...." She dragged on, acting as if she knew what I meant but obviously was clueless. "You tired Daddy?" She questioned Kai for confirmation as he nodded slightly as his eyes started to flutter shut.

"Yes, Daddy's tired." He replied softly as he took her hands in his free one. That however, earned a pout from Amerie but a bright smile lit up soon after.

"Oh... then will you play with me when you wake up?" Asking so innocently and adorably, Kai nodded lightly before shutting his eyes close. "Thank you Daddy. I love you." Placing a long kiss on Kai's cheek, Amerie got off the chair and onto the ground, dusting her dress at the same time.

"Where are you going, hun?"

"To find Granny. Amerie want make soup for Daddy." With that, she wasted no time to dash out of the ward, leaving Kai and I alone. What made my dam break was the tears that were rolling down Kai's face as he slept with a relaxed smile on his face. So that's what he've always wanted to hear from his daughter.

I've finally gotten him back. Thank goodness.

Pulling out the small box from my pocket, I flipped it open to see the tiny yet promise filled ring sitting safely in it. Maybe it's time.

I wonder if he's willing to skip a step and move to the next with me. To be mine to protect, mine to be pampered and mine to be cherished and loved.

The King's Assassin (B×B) [Book 2 of the Lethal Passion Series]Where stories live. Discover now