Chapter 6

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Damon's POV:

"Damon... what are we going to tell the Kings?" Gray questioned as we sat quietly in the helicopter as we made our way back to the Land of Light.

"We're going to get killed... no one gets away from failing a mission." Sebastian said simply as Gray groaned loudly in defeat.

"Then we just have to accept our fate." I commented solemnly as I stared out of the window as the scenery changed gradually.

I can't believe that we left Eros behind. I knew we shouldn't have agreed. If I did not let him tag along, we may at least all be alive and going back together. At least he'll still be spared from death as the Kings are his 'lovers'. We can't confirm or even know if he's still alive or not at this point of time.

"Do you think Eros is alive?" Gray questioned after a moment of silence as we stared at him for a while before turning away. Who knows... but I really do hope that he is. He's my best friend after all.

"We're landing." The pilot announced as we buckled our seatbelts wordlessly, afraid of what to expect when we reach the castle.


"Ready guys?" They sucked in a deep breath before nodding firmly. Here goes nothing... Taking a deep and final breath, I knocked on the castle halls' doors as King Josiah's loud voice boomed from the inside.

"Come in."

Opening the doors open slowly, we walked slowly to the Kings until we're directly in front of them as they stared at us with a mixed look on their faces.

"I suspect that you all failed the mission. Am I wrong?" King Jason questioned as he stared down at us intimidatingly, making us gulp in fear.

"You're not wrong, King Jason." I admitted truthfully as he nodded silently.

"Where's Eros." King Josiah asked as I stared down at my feet in remorse.

"We left him behind..." I confessed as he quirked his eyebrow up in curiosity.

"For what reason."

"He made us agree to him that if anyone is unable to make it out of the castle by the time limit he gave, we're to abandon the person at all cost even if it's him." Sebastian stepped up to reply as the Kings nodded at his words.

"I see... I knew I should have sent more people. You're all dismissed." King Jason waved us away, making us stare at them in disbelief. Aren't we going to get killed?

"Didn't you hear my brother? Now get lost."

"I'm sorry my Kings but what about Eros?"

"We don't have time for him. He's as good as dead if he isn't able to escape with you guys."


"Are you trying to question your Kings?" King Josiah warned dangerously low as we shook our head quickly, afraid to defy them.

"I'm sorry my Kings. We'll get going now." Bowing to them swiftly, we walked away quickly in long strides before closing the large doors behind us.

"I thought that we're going to die this time." Gray heaved a huge sigh of relief as Sebastian nodded at his words in agreement.

"Thank goodness we're spared this time. Then I'll be going off now to my sector, Damon. Want to follow, Gray?"

"Sure. Then we'll be leaving, Damon. Until next time." They waved lightly before walking away peacefully as I stood at the walkway in guilt. Why haven't I not agreed to his words? If I had maintained my stand, Eros might be back with us.


Lucifer's POV:

After the funeral procession, I walked down the basement where the cells are, searching for the assassin which caused the deaths of my men. He killed many of my great man. That's something I'm not proud off. My assassins are supposed to be the best.

Standing in front of his cell, I realised that he wasn't awake and was still in the same position as yesterday's when he was first thrown in. Weird. They'll usually be awake by this time.

"Oi! Wake up!" I banged against his cell gates, causing loud sounds of clashing metal to echo throughout the dark empty basement. Despite all the noise created, he made no movements as he continued to lie on the ground unconscious. Is he dead? Did I use too much force yesterday?

Unlocking the cell, I stepped in cautiously, in case that it was all an act and that he was ready to ambush me at any one time. "Oi. Wake up. Stop acting." I was once again met by silence. Squatting down beside him at a safe distance, I poked his shoulder a little but he still laid there unmoving. Did I kill him?

Shaking him slightly, I realized that his body felt colder than any normal human's body temperature as that he was breathing irregularly and harshly. Is he sick? Tearing off his face mask, a beautiful male appeared before my sight as I was instantly captivated by his beauty. His ecru long hair reaches his back midway as his defined cheekbone and sharp jawline makes him look like a model out of a Vogue magazine.

But what caught my eyes was his blood-stained lips and the sweat pouring down his face like he's in a dessert. This can't be normal. It's barely hot in here. Deciding the pros and cons of the situation, I eventually decided to do what humans think is most correct to do.

Lifting him up gently, I carried him upstairs to one of the guestrooms before laying him down gently beneath the sheets before covering him up with the blanket. I wonder if he has a fever. Closing the door behind me, I locked the door shut before making my way to the medical room where Doctor White sits.

"Doctor White."

"Yo, Lucifer my boy. What brings you here?" The jolly old man in his late 60s welcomed warmly when he spotted me at his door. He's been working here for as long as I've known.

"I need you to check on one of my prisoners. His condition doesn't seem normal."

"Okay. Let me get my tools."


"How is he?"

"He's down with pneumonia and it's for quite some time already based on the symptoms he's showing. Also, he's severely malnourished." Pneumonia? Is it curable?

"Can you help him?"

"I'll prescribe him some antibiotics. It should help to improve his condition." He wrote down some things on his notepad before motioning me to follow him back to his office.

Digging through his shelves of medications, he took out a few strips of tablets, most probably antibiotics, before passing them to me. "Three times a day. Consume only after meals. Take one tablet only for each time. He should be better latest in 3 weeks time. Oh and make sure to have him drink more warm water. It can help to speed up his recovery. Also, make sure that he eats or he's body is going to collapse sooner or later." He advised as I took a mental note of it.

"Thanks doc."

"No problem, my boy. But may I ask you a question?"


"Why do you care so much for that boy? You usually couldn't give a damn for the other prisoners. What makes him special?" Special huh...

"The fact that he managed to kill 18 of my strongest warriors alone in total is a reason enough for me to want to know his intentions. I can't have him dying on me before I can even get any information from him. Besides, he's hot."

"So you care for those hot ones only?" He asked jokingly as I shrugged lightly at his words. Maybe?

"I suppose? He's the first that ever caught my eye." He glanced at me with a interested look on his face before nodding to himself.

"And he may even be the last." He snickered deeply as I quirked my eyebrow at him.

"Who knows."

The King's Assassin (B×B) [Book 2 of the Lethal Passion Series]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora