Chapter 39

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Third Person's POV:

The train shook violently, throwing passengers off their seats before it jammed break. Panic filled voices and cries of innocent children filled the once peaceful train. No one knew what was happening.

Being the King he was, Lucifer hurriedly woke Eros and Jay up, asking them to grab hold of anything secured before dashing out and towards where the train conductors lies, asking the rest the other passengers to stay calm as much as they could until the problem was found. To all of their utmost relief, it was the worn-down track that caused the jerkiness of the train. Or that's what they thought.

Little did they know that the worn-out condition of the track was just a distraction and that the ticking time-bombs attached on the roof of the tunnel was the actual hazard. Before the train can even resume its journey, the explosives went off, trapping passengers under the heavy rubbles.

Alarmed by the sudden change of events, the train conductor scurried out of the train and onto the roof to survey the situation which wasn't very sightly. The cabins holding rooms 37 onwards were stuck behind the fallen tunnel while rooms 24 to 36 were all trapped beneath the rubble and knowing that the blood nephew of King Vincentino, his very own King, was situated in room 25 caused his face to pale. He didn't want to know how he'll get punished for it.

"How's the situation?" Lucifer hollered impatiently and anxiously from the inside of the train, snapping the train conductor out of his daze. Scampering down swiftly, he came face to face with Lucifer which make him pale even more when he realized that the guy before him is the King of the Land of Dark. The one and only King Merci who's known for being merciless to his enemies. He didn't dare to ask if the King had anyone with him on board the train, worse if they are also part of the trapped victims. All he hoped now was that he'll at least have a proper burial after one of the 2 Kings killed him.

"How. Is. It." Grabbing hold of the shoulders of the terrified train conductor, Lucifer shook him firmly as he prayed for the best.

"K-King Merci! Passengers in rooms 24 to 36 are trapped-"

"Come again? Which rooms?"

"R-Rooms 24 to 36, Sir!" This time it was Lucifer's face that turned pale. This was when the train conductor knew that he was fucked and wished that he had chosen the shit-cleaning job instead which now sounded more appealing than compared to having 2 Kings on his tail.

"Fuck!" Wasting no time at all, Lucifer turned on his feet and sped back down the aisle, only to meet to a solid wall of rubble. A wall that may collapse if accidentally touched or moved. "Kai! Jay! Can you guys hear me?!" He hollered, not caring that the others were staring at his unruly behaviour. He had to ensure that Eros was fine. He had to or it'll him from inside out.

"We're fine! Call my uncle ey! There are some seriously injured here and they may not seem that they may last!" Jay shouted back in response as Lucifer let out a sigh of relief as determination to save them filled him.

"Will do Jay! Wait for us okay!?"

"Okay! Be fast ey!" and he didn't need to be told twice before speeding down the track and all the way to the castle grounds as fast as his legs could take him while the train attendees helped the other passengers out of the immobilized train and led them to the nearest station to take cover.

Jay's POV:

"Jay! There's another one here!" Kai called out frantically from another side of the train as I tended to one of the injured. They all seem fine at least, that's what I thought until I saw the condition of an old man who's located by Kai. A sharp debris, the size of a streetlamp, had pierced through his left leg, above his knee and was bleeding profusely. Bleeding way too much and too fast for me to even comprehend the situation

. If we pull him out, we may cause more serious damage to his wound but we can try to reduce the blood loss but if we don't he may bleed out and die before help even arrives. What should we do? This doesn't look good at all.

"I'll go grab some cloths. We'll need to stop this bleeding first." Kai said calmly to himself before maneuvering his way agilely though the rubbles like a ninja. Damn...he's fast. Okay stop Jay. Now's not the time to think of such things. We have a more critical situation on hand.

Feeling a slight warmth wrap around my hand, I turned to see the old man holding my hand in his firmly as tears glistened in his aged eyes. "Ple-Please..." He rasped out, sweat trickling down his forehead as his breath deepened.

"Don't worry sir, we'll try to help you out of here. I promise."

"I believe in you my boy but I also believe that my time is also soon up. Being able to live 86 years is also long enough for me already."

"Don't say that sir-"

"Even if this doesn't kill me, cancer will."


"Stage 4. So don't beat ya-self over it that much ey. I've lived a fruitful life and I have no regrets even if I die here. But-"


"Please bury my dolls with me in my grave when I die! I don't want some bandits after my babies!"

Wait .........................what?


"Okay....sir." Well......some people have unique hobbies ey. So I'm not going to judge.

"Good good. Remember to have all 390 of them in my grave, okay? Don't forget Appie, Kiwie, Cherrie, Peachie, Pinappie-" Wow...... Does he have a whole fruitie-doll collection or something? I doubt a normal sized grave is even able to fit all 390 dolls in.

"Yes Sir. No one will get left behind." A bright smile formed on his wrinkled face as tears flowed down his face.

"Thank you my boy. Now I can finally rest in peace..." Letting out a light chuckle, his eyes soon fluttered shut, his once warm hand losing it warmth. He's gone. Fuck.

"At least he's free from his suffering. Right?" A pair of warm arms wrapped around my shoulders as I leaned back into the welcoming and safe embrace of Kai's as he wiped away my tears which I've not even realised had fallen.

"Ya but it still hurts ya know? Not being able to help someone suffering and see them pass on. "

"That is true but it's all part of life. Without death, one will not understand the importance of living to their fullest, the importance of compassion and the true meaning of joy and life."

"You sound like an old man ya know." I joked, trying to ease the tension in the air.

"Do I? Maybe it's because I'm always close to death." Kai chuckled lightly as he looked down into my eyes with his pair of kind ones, his long ercu hair covering his face partially as if sheltering him away from the evilness in the world. Wow... he's really beautiful... like a god.

"You're a soldier?" He stared at me in shock for a moment before nodding slightly.

"Yup." He beamed with pride. He's so cool...

"I've decided."


"I'm going to grow up to be like you."

"Oh? Then I'm sure that your land will be well protected."

"Will you train me to be like you?" He pondered deeply for a while before ruffling my hair with his large yet gentle hand. I wonder if this is how having a dad feels like. All safe and secured.

"Hmm...we'll see about that, shall we?"


Sorry loves for not updating for so long. Work has been consuming all my time and I don't really have any inspirations. Hence, this book will be coming to an end in about 5 chapters +- . Extremely sorry for the boring content thus far and I have to say that this book really sucks ey. *nervous chuckle* Hope you'll pardon me for that.

The King's Assassin (B×B) [Book 2 of the Lethal Passion Series]Where stories live. Discover now