Back to Normal...

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He prodded the needle into Peter's leg and began to sew it up. I just kept placing my fingers through the kid's hair. I kept my eyes on the small boy, not daring to look at his leg. I couldn't ever see him get hurt again. I waited until Bruce moved to Peter's head, he placed a bandage tightly around his forehead. He looked so different, so... helpless and small.
Bruce placed a small needle into his arm, but it was clearly just pain relief. Banner pulled the mask off of Peter and he breathed in deeply, before blinking rapidly and shivering.
"Hey kid. Calm down." I soothed, he opened his eyes fully and looked at me, he looked confused at the bandage on his forehead.
"Wh...what..?" He asked, reaching for his injury.
I grabbed his hands and pulled them away from his head.
"Stop. Don't touch that. Banner put that on you for a reason. How do you feel?"
"Oka... okay, I-I guess." He replied, "My leg stings."
"I know, I know it hurts, but you're okay now and you can go back upstairs soon too. I invited Ned over again to see you too." I reassured him.
"Thanks. Can I go back to school on Monday?"
"Kid, I..."
"Please?" He begged.
"Aw fine." I gave in.
Some time went by and Peter sat up.
"Can I go upstairs now?" He asked.
"Get a shower first and then I'll take you up, okay?"
He nodded and walked over to the bathroom, carrying some spare clothes I gave him. He walked in slowly and closed the door tight, locking it.
"Okay. I'm right out here." I called in to him.
"Mr. Stark?"
"Yeah kid?" I replied.
"Can you tell me a story please?" He asked quietly.
"Um... sure. What about?"
"When you got kidnapped." Peter replied, sounding a little bit scared.
"Are you sure?" I called back in.
"Yes please."
"Okay." I heard the water turn on.
"So... it all started when I was on a work trip..." I sat down outside his door and laid my head on the wall. I finished the story shortly and Peter walked out slowly, dressed in clean clothes, carrying the bandage from his head.
I sighed slightly at the fact that he had to get another bandage and took it out of his hands.
"Come on. Lie back up so Dr. Banner can get you a new one." He listened to me and got up willingly.
"Banner!" I called to the next room. "Peter, here, has accidentally misplaced his bandage, can you get him a new one?"
"Sure." Bruce replied, digging through his drawers. "Got one. Can you sit up Peter?"
He nodded and I helped him up slowly. Bruce moved forward and placed the bandage around the back of his head. He smiled at Peter and left without another word. Peter suddenly asked, "Can I go upstairs now? Please?"
"Yeah okay, as long as you do not touch your bandage or your leg." I replied, slightly unsure. He stood up and I put my arm under his to help him walk. We got on the elevator and went up three stories. As soon as we walked out, we were greeted with a bunch of 'hellos' and 'are you okay's.' Ned, Nat, Clint and even Steve stayed in the Tower for a while with Peter. He didn't talk about what happened, I had already called Nat and told her to tell everyone not to ask about his head injury. Peter did seem a lot better than before and after a long while of intense therapy and care, he did get better. The nightmares didn't end though, and most nights I had to go into his room to calm him
down. He didn't cope very well at the start, but he began to come to terms with what had happened. He stayed in Stark Tower full-time, but May still visited every night. He did make a recovery, slowly but surely. The only people he could be left alone with was me, and for short periods of time, Natasha. I was so amazed at how great he was during everything. I mean, what can I say? I love the kid...

2 weeks later...
"Kid, it's bed time now, come on." I said, standing up to leave him to his bedroom.
"I'm not tired." Peter complained loudly.
"Peter, bed." Nat said harshly.
"Fine..." Peter stood up slowly and walked over to me, dragging his feet. He walked silently behind me into his room.
"Okay kiddo, I'll see you tomorrow." I said quietly.
"Wait! Mr. Stark?"
"Yeah kid?" I asked.
"Thank you so much... for everything." He smiled.
"It's no problem kid. Get some rest okay?" I smiled back.
"Night dad." Peter turned around and closed his eyes. I stood still for a minute before walking out quietly. I couldn't help the large smile that spread across my face. I closed the door and sighed. I turned around and faced all of the avengers, grinning at me.
"What?" I said impatiently.
"Nothing, DAD." Clint smirked.
"Oh shut up!" I smiled.
"We're not insulting you or anything. *cough* DAD *cough." Laughed Nat.
"Oh haha. I'm going to bed, goodnight." I walked away.
"BYE DAD!" They all shouted after me.
I smiled, before lying down in my room. I grinned to myself.
"I'm a dad."

Author's note-
I was planning on maybe making another one of these, like a sequel. It would be set during the events of 'The Avengers,' 2012. I know the timeline is messed up, but comment if you want me to do that. If this gets enough praise I will make the sequel. Thank you so much for the support!

Update- This is insane!! Forty thousand views?! I cannot believe this! I love you guys 3000 and I hope you enjoyed the story❤️❤️

I thought I should update again and tell you all how much your support means to me. 100,000 views? I genuinely can't believe it! It means so much to me as a young, autistic writer. I love you all more than you'll ever know :)

I wrote this story when I was fourteen, and it makes me cringe reading it now LMAO but thanks so much for 160k reads, that's insane!

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