An Argument

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Peter's POV-
I mean, I guess things could've gone better with Mr. Stark today. Well, they could've gone A LOT better to be honest. It all started when I walked into the Avenger's room...
"What's up kiddo?" Mr. Stark asked me kindly.
"Nothing. How was work?" I asked.
"Ah same as always." He replied.
"So boring then?" I joked. He smiled at me. I was really attached to Mr. Stark, I mean I practically lived in the Stark tower now anyways. We sat and watched TV for a bit, mostly silent until Thor burst in the door,
"Man of Iron, might I have a word?" He asked, looking slightly afraid.
"Hey Nat! Get in here." Tony yelled to the next room.
"Keep little mister Parker out of our business, okay? Just cover his ears until we come back inside." Stark said, smirking at the fake betrayal on my face.
"Mr. Staaark!" I whined, I didn't like it when him and Nat treated me like I was a baby.
"Don't worry kid. It's just for a minute so you don't eavesdrop on their important conversation, okay?" Nat reassured me.
"Yeah fine. Be quick." I mumbled. Nat placed her hands over my ears, lying down beside me.
"This isn't fair! I'm old enough to understand important conversations now!" I said, unnecessarily loudly, it's not my fault she was blocking my ears.
She didn't say anything, just smiled down at me, as I sulked to myself.
Thor and Mr. Stark entered the room again.
"Thanks Nat, I got him now." Stark said.
She walked away into the kitchen silently.
"We'll sort it out." Mr. Stark said to Thor, it was supposed to be a whisper, but my enhanced hearing made everything sound so much louder.
"Okay kiddo, I know it's early but you need to go home." Stark said.
"Tell me why and I will." I protested.
"Because I'm telling you to."
"And I'm telling YOU that I want to know a reason." I said, kind of regretfully.
He stepped dangerously closer to me,
"Kid. Go home. Now." I stepped backwards slightly.
"Please Mr. Stark, tell me." I begged.
"Fine, there's a bad man who wants revenge on me, he needs something from the Tower and I can't let you get into trouble." He replied.
"Is it Loki, Mr. Thor's brother?" I asked. "What does he want revenge for?"
"Nothing, okay? Just go home." He said shakily.
"No, I can stay here and fight. I can help protect people!" I complained.
"Kid I swear to God I will not hesitate to..."
"This isn't something stupid that you can make me leave for, I'm not going and that's that." I said bravely.
"Thor, take the kid home." Tony gestured to me.
"Nope. Not going home." I exclaimed, before hopping onto the ceiling, out of Thor's reach.
"Don't be so childish! Come down right now, kid. I'll count to three. One... two... Friday, ready project number thirty three."
"Mr. Stark?!" I gasped.
"Come down!" He yelled.
I flinched slightly before calling back,
"No!" I didn't like it when he yelled at me.
"What is going on out here?!" Nat interrupted.
"Mr. Stark is going to shoot me with something!" I yelled.
"It's nothing that bad Nat, just a powerful sedative. It'll barely even affect him cause of the whole healing factor thing." Stark said, raising his shooters at me again.
"Don't do this! Just let me help!" I begged.
"Peter, just come down and I won't have to!" Stark complained.
"No! Make me!" I yelled, pulling away from his grip on the ceiling.
"Stark wait a seco..." Nat yelled.
"Three... Friday launch." He demanded. Ow, that hurt. What the hell? I looked down to see some type of small chip thing in my neck. Why didn't my spider sense warn me? Oh right, Mr. Stark was not supposed to be a threat.
"Tony?!" Nat called out.
I fell from the ceiling, landing softly on the sofa.
"Let's go, kid. Sorry about the drastic measures, but it'll wear off in around... an hour for you." I shut my eyes briefly.
"Mr. Stark...  how could... you do something... like that... to me?" I asked, in complete shock. He picked me up and carried me out the door. I tried to let myself down, but my attempts were pathetic.
"No... stop it." I watched as he flew over buildings, houses and shops.
"Just let the sleep take over you, don't fight it anymore. Let's drop you to your house, okay? May's not in, so we'll invite Ned over." He said. "I really am sorry kid, but I need to keep you safe, that's my main priority." I closed my eyes, and they didn't open again, until I was lying on my couch, covered with a blanket.
"Ugh..." I moaned loudly.
"Hey! You're awake!" Ned shouted from my bedroom. He ran into the room. I sat up and shook myself. My head was still a little fuzzy but I was more concerned with the task at hand.
"Hey Ned. I'm really sorry but I have to leave, there's a bad guy who's after Mr. Stark. Be back later! Bye!" I jumped up, my speech slightly slurred from the sedative.
"No, you're not leaving." He replied.
"What?" I asked.
"Mr. Stark told me to watch you and not let you leave, and I can't let him down. So... if you leave I... I'll never talk to you again."
"Oh haha. Very mature."
"I'm serious Peter. He... uh, also told me about some...uh, drastic measures." Ned whispered. He took out a small chip from the inside of his trouser pocket. I recognised it as the same one Mr. Stark has used on me from before.
"Don't you dare!" I yelled.
"I won't have to if you just stay here!"
I felt bad.
"Okay, listen, let's just go build my new Lego Death Star and stop worrying about the Avengers now." Ned said.
"Okay. I... I'm sorry for being mean." I said sadly.
"Me too. It doesn't matter now though, let's go." We walked into my room to start building, but I couldn't help feeling worried about Mr. Stark...

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