The Fight

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"Ah the bird... You too are also attached to the child?" Loki said, smirking.
"He's only fifteen, he could die if you do this to him." Clint replied.
I struggled to move on the floor, but my arm was still held down and Loki was still directly above me.
"Please." Nat started. "Don't hurt him, you have what you want now."
"This is not about ruling! This is about watching the man of Iron fall. And if I need the child to do that... Then I USE the child." Loki said angrily. "Where is Tony Stark?!"
"I'm right here." Said a voice from behind me. I turned my head to see the one person I wanted so desperately to save me.
"Finally! I was beginning to think I would have to kill the kid instead!"
"You have me now Loki, step away from Peter."
"Mr Stark?" I asked quietly. I turned my head to see him looking directly at me.
"This is what I want! Don't you see? I want your world to HANG in the balance, and I want to be centre of it all! So I say, why don't you join the assassin and the bird over there?" He gestured over to where Nat, Ned and Clint were kneeling still.
"And the child!" He said, running his hands through my hair. "He's quite good company." He knew Mr. Stark always did that to me, he was clearly trying to hurt him emotionally.
"Don't touch me!" I squirmed, moving my head from side to side.
"I'm here now Pete, don't worry." Tony reassured me.
Loki stood up now and faced Tony. I tried my best to move away from him, but I could hardly keep my eyes open.
"Ah ah ah!" Loki said, without even looking at me. "Can't have you scampering off." He took out a small knife and placed it into the floor, pinning my shirt to the ground.
"Loki!" Nat called out, gesturing to the stab mark on my chest, "Peter is bleeding out! He will die if he doesn't get medical help! Please! Please..." But Loki ignored her and kept shouting at Tony.
"Peter..." Nat said looking even more concerned now, "Keep your eyes open and look for five things you can see. Okay?" I nodded and opened my eyes slightly. I couldn't feel the cuts on my face now or the gash in my chest but I was still too drained to sit up.
"I can see... the kettle," I wheezed, I looked the other way but only focused on the sudden battle between Loki and Tony.
"No! Peter! Look at me! This way! Keep going." She said reassuringly. I faced her and started again.
"The kettle, you, Ned, the..." The fighting got a lot louder now. But I still tried my best to concentrate. "The sofa and the fridge." I could feel my strength beginning to return.
"Well done. Now for five things you can smell, okay? And do not take your eyes off of me." Nat continued.
"Okay. I can smell burning, fresh air, grass, cleaning stuff and... pizza."
"You're doing so good! Now count to one hundred with me. Are you ready?"
I turned back to face Stark but he was still mid-fight with the God. I pulled the knife out slowly and sat up, trying my best to crawl over to her. Nat seen what I was doing and pushed herself towards me, I reached her and laid my head in her lap. I felt Ned's hand on my shoulder, there was panic in his eyes.
"It's gonna be okay." She whispered. She took off her jacket and wrapped it around my face. I whimpered as she put pressure on my healing wounds. She held it there tight with one arm, and used the other to place her hand through my hair.
"Just keep your eyes open kid." She said softly. I had to watch the fight anyways. Tony had just thrown Loki to the wall and was preparing his blasters for another hit. I watched, wishing I was strong enough to help him. Clint stood up now, he took out his arrow and hit Loki with it, but it didn't even seem to faze him.
"Go help them." I said to Nat. "They need you more than I do."
She smiled down at me and placed me lightly on the ground with her jacket around me.
"You're so brave." She said quietly.
She then went over and started to attack Loki. I sat up beside Ned, regaining my strength.
"ENOUGH!" I watched Loki yell, he pointed his sceptre at them all and green sparks flew out, hitting at them. They all flew backwards.
"I AM A GOD! YOU HAVE NO CHANCE AGAINST ME!" He screamed. I did my best to get to my feet and dragged my self over to Stark.
"Mr. Stark?" He opened his eyes.
"Kid! Look out!" But it was too late, I was swung to the side of the room and my head whacked off the wall.
"Peter!" Ned yelled from behind me. If I didn't have a concussion before, then I definitely had one now. My eyes closed and I couldn't do anything to make them open this time...

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