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"Brucie Bear, I need you to help me in the lab," Tony said, pointing at one of the men who was sitting off to the side.

He had curly hair and glasses. The man rolled his eyes as he pulled himself up, "On Pepper's... condition?" he questioned as he crossed the room.

Tony nodded, what was wrong with Pepper? Wait, which Pepper?

"You could probably help me figure out a cure for it," Tony commented before he started walking back into the elevator.

I was close on his heels as Bruce followed. The others went back to their movie.
I laid down under Tony's table while he and Bruce worked.

Pepper came down from time to time so Bruce could take a blood sample or to bring food,

Tony had been working on a cure for the past week and a half.

"I think we got it," Bruce announced, interupting the silence that had filled the room.

Tony looked up from his own project, which was fixing the arc reactor.

I followed after Tony as he crossed the room to look into the microscope Bruce has been looking into for the past ten minutes.

"Test it again," Tony demanded as he looked up from the microscope.

"JARVIS, can you ask Pepper to come back down here please?" Bruce asked, taking his glasses off to clean them with his shirt.

I sat in front of Bruce and put my head on his thigh, "Of course Doctor Banner."

Pepper walked in the room a few minutes later, "You called?" she questioned as she approached the three of us.

"I think I figured it out, but I want another sample to be sure," that was all Bruce had to say for Pepper to offer him her arm.
I had my paws on the sill of a window as other Pepper and I both watched through a pane of glass as Tony was getting surgery done.

Pepper had finished first, but the doctor had said that Tony's surgery was much more invasive than hers.

I gave a whine as the doctor stuck the tweezers back in Tony's chest.

Pepper rubbed my ear, not looking away from the window. "He'll be okay," she promised absentmindedly.

The doctor turned to us after a bit and gave us a thumbs up.

Pepper's Forceful Advice (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now