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It wasn't long after that Tony got a phone call, on his actual phone instead of JARVIS.

I stared up at him from under the table as he listened for a few seconds before the phone slipped out of his hands and hit the floor.

I could hear a faint, "Tony? Are you still there? Tony?" coming from it, but Tony was already half-way across the room.

"Heel," was all he said, I jumped to my paws and chased after him.

We passed Pepper, who was still sleeping on the couch.

Tony had hesitated by her, but decided to leave her be. He actually got in a car for once, he sat in the front and told JARVIS to start driving to a hospital.

I tilted my head, why were we going to a hospital at, I glanced at the car's clock, four in the morning? Nothing smelt wrong with Tony, so who were we going to see?

JARVIS stopped the car with a small screech outside of the emergency room.

Tony jumped out and order, "Heel,".

So I jumped out after him. "J park the car," he said shortly before he started in the hospital.

I was right by his side as he walked up to the front desk and asked, "Where's Happy Hogan's room?"
Happy looked horrible to put it shortly. He had tubes in his mouth, he was covered in bruises, and he had a bandage wrapped around the top of his head.

Tony walked up to a chair that was against the wall and pulled it behind some of the equipment that was around Happy.

I laid by his feet as we started vigil.

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