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I was put in the back of the car with the man, I guessed he was Tony, and the woman joined another man in the front.

I sat on the floorboard and looked around the car, it was so nice. Much nicer than Jeff's car.

Tony kept looking down at me every once in a while, and the woman glanced in the back every once in a while as well.

I put my head on Tony's leg and his attention immediately focused onto me.

He stared at me for a moment before putting his hand on my head, gently/awkwardly patting my head.

The woman in the front was smiling again, "Do you want to go to the petstore or order everything online?" she asked, turning towards Tony.

"Online," was all Tony told her.

It didn't take long for us to get back to what I guessed was Tony's home, which was much nicer than the car. The only problem I had with it was that it was on a cliff. I didn't think it was a very smart idea, but I went along with it anyway.

Tony got out of the car and motioned for me to follow, I did. However, I did like the sound of the water. That was nice.

Tony and the woman got started to head inside, the other man drove the car off.
The house appeared to be even bigger on the inside. It was really nice, and I liked the fountain. It did seem a bit overkill though,

I stayed by Tony as he walked up the stairs. I trotted up the stairs with him, he went into a very nice looking bedroom.

The bed was made, very neatly. There wasn't a wrinkle on it.

Tony opened the closet door and changed his clothes, going from the fancy-looking casual clothes, to old ratty looking clothes.

I followed him back down the stairs and down another flight, where there was a glass wall.

Tony typed in a code and the door opened, "Welcome back sir," a voice said.

I perked up my ears and tilted my head, looking around for the source.

"J, this is Pepper, Pepper, JARVIS," Tony said.

I continued to look around confused, where was this JARVIS person?

Tony laughed at my confusion and continued to go to a table and start fiddling with the parts on the table.

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