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I laid in the back corner of my cage for almost a week before someone had stopped outside of it and called my name.

I lifted my head and tilted it, ears perked, it was Tony!

I heaved myself to my paws and padded up to the gate with my tail wagging.

I started barking as one of the attendants opened the gate to let either Tony in or me out, I didn't care which.

My tail was wagging so hard that I couldn't sit still, it made Tony give a soft laugh as he crouched in front of me.

"I missed you too," he muttered as his buried his fingers in the fur of my neck.

I gave a whine and started licking his face.

"Yeah, let's get out of here," Tony agreed as he stood back up.

The attendant was at the gate already holding a clipboard.
The car ride didn't take long, we got out in front of a huge metal tower.

I was back in my vest with Tony carrying my leash.

"So we live here now," Tony announced to me as we entered the building.

There was a secretary at a desk who only glanced up at us.

Tony walked into an elevator, I sat at his side as he said, "Common room J," That was all it took for the elevator to start moving.

I looked up at Tony and started wagging my tail again, I'd missed him so much.

Tony glanced down at me and rolled his eyes as he rubbed behind my ear, which only caused my tail to thump harder.

There was a small ding before the doors parted, revealing a room full of people.
They were all sitting on a couch and various chairs.

"Look at Stark, he really does have a heart," a man sitting on the back of a chair joked.

Tony rolled his eyes as he unclipped my leash before stepping into the room.

"She's cute," a woman with short hair commented, she was sitting on the couch with her legs draped across two of the other men's laps. She seemed to be the dominant one in the room.

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